Ruki X Oc X Yoshiki : Amatoriis Noctibus

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AN: Amatoriis Noctibus:  Amatory Nights. Amatory: Relating to or induced by sexual love or desire. This has mature sexual themes and it also includes some polyamourous relationships. If this won't be for you, then move along. For those who are cool with that, then please enjoy. 

Ruki woke to birdsong and early morning sun pouring through the window of the room

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Ruki woke to birdsong and early morning sun pouring through the window of the room. It was strange waking up in a bedroom not his own. It was not something he usually did or even really allowed himself to do. But last night had been very much an exception. And he had very much wanted what he had gotten.

He looked over and found her lying on her side, her bare back to him. The dark burgundy sheets a stark but beautiful contrast to her milky white skin. The sheets had shifted while she had slept and rode low on her hips at the back. Her pastel hair, the colour of rose quartz, was over her shoulder, exposing the back of her neck and showing the tattoo at the base of it. A small crescent moon with three stars, and the silhouette of a cat sitting in the curve on the moon. It was cute in its black and gray simplicity. And, it wasn't her only one, he had come to find last night. Maelin. She had been a treasure trove of exploration, pleasure and fun.

He looked away from her and reached for his phone on her nightstand. Checking the time he realised he still had plenty of it, before he needed to be at work. Then an idea came to him and he smirked. He set his phone back down and rolled over again, pressing up against Maelin with his body where he began to lightly kiss and nip the sensitive area of her neck just behind her ear, his hand running down her side to tease and caress the dip of her hips. They weren't close enough for him, to play between her legs unannounced like he would have had they been an actual couple. So this area was OK until she said he could go further. He felt her start to shift in her sleep, soft noises of beginning pleasure coming from her. It wasn't long before her hand was coming up and holding his head as she moved her own to give him better access.

His smirk turned darker, when her free hand moved his from her hip towards the apex of her thighs. That was all he needed, before he took over and slipped his hand between her legs quickly, where he stroked, rubbed, played and teased. As she began to moan softly, fully awake now, he sank his fingers into her already slick passage and pumped them in and out of her. He kept his pace slow and deep. And soon she was turning her head towards him and pulling his down, so she could kiss him. He was happy to oblige her, as she drew their tongues into a private dance.

As their actions naturally progressed, Ruki made sure to make it last. There was no telling if he would ever have this chance again, much less that they would see each other again. She was only in Japan for six months and she was leaving in a few days. So he wanted to make sure they both had vivid memories of her stay.


Maelin McIntyre sighed as she sank into her hanging basket chair, under her large covered gazebo. She had created this area for herself, so she could be outside whenever she wanted. Even when it rained. Which in Kilkenney, Ireland was frequently.

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