Ruki X OC : What I Need

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A:N - Hello my lovelies. Here I am once more. And with another Ruki story for you. This is just a little slice, just over 3000 words, so not as long as my normal writings. But it isn't short enough to be a drabble/flash fiction so it's been added to this collection. Please enjoy. Also scenes of a sexual nature are present. Look for this marking <<<<<*>>>>> it is at the beginning and end of the scene as usual.

Kanna groaned as she rolled over and felt around her nightstand for her phone

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Kanna groaned as she rolled over and felt around her nightstand for her phone. Finally finding it, she squinted at the bright screen and saw that it was Yoko. She sighed and answered. 

"Yoko...I'm on leave. What's wrong?" Kanna asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes. 

"I know Miss Kanna and I'm sorry. But we have a problem. Mr. Ruki is...well...he's particularly ornery today and being rather uncooperative." Yoko explained carefully. 

It was clear that she felt uncomfortable talking about one of her bosses this way and was trying to be as polite as possible about it. 

"What do you mean ornery and uncooperative?" Kanna asked, wanting clarification. 

As she waited for Yoko to think of a respectful response, she climbed out of bed. She may as well get up as she wouldn't get back to sleep now. She made her way out of her bedroom and walked through her apartment to her kitchen. 

" he refuses to do anything. He won't come to hair and makeup. He won't go to the wardrobe department and he's even threatening to not go to rehearsal. I don't know what is wrong with him but we're crunched for time, and you seem to know how to handle him. So I was hoping you could give me some tips?" Yoko replied. Seemingly deciding not to mince words and just get to the point. 

Kanna, face-palmed at this and having a weird feeling, put Yoko on speaker and then opened up her messages. Sure enough she had three from Ruki. Reading through these messages, she bit back a laugh. had been right in her suspicion. 

"Ok. Listen, I'm going to get ready and then I'll be heading that way. Give me an hour or so. Then within two, I'll have him in tip-top shape again." Kanna replied as she pulled out a coffee filter and placed it into her maker. 

"No. No Miss Kanna. You haven't had a vacation in like a year! Just tell me what to do, to get him fighting fit again." Yoko replied. Her tone was concerned, letting Kanna know she really didn't want to force her down. 

"Yoko...this issue isn't something that just anyone can handle. He's in a very...particular...kind of mood. So it's just best if I come down and take care of it. Don't worry. As soon as he's sorted, I'll leave again. It won't take too long." Kanna replied, filling the filter with coffee grounds and then pouring water into the reservoir. 

"Miss Kanna! I'm sure it's not as bad as all that. I'm sure I can do whatever it is, that you're planning. You just have to tell me." 

"Yoko. Trust me. You can't handle it and neither Ruki or I would let you try anyway! It's not personal, so please don't think, I think you incompetent or anything. You are a wonderful employee and you work quite hard. This issue is just very different and only I can deal with it." Kanna responded sharply and then softened her tone, then pressed the button for brew on her machine. 

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