C. 2.2 | The Response II

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--Flashback, David William's P.O.V. -- | --07/20/2020 - 12:44 PM--

As rain showers began to fall from the skies above the courtyard of the Hillsborough County High School, a fierce fight begins. As Riley began to charge a fist towards my face, I blocked it using my shoulder and I used my other free hand to punch Riley's face. Dylan swung his knife near my shoulder but missed it because I dodged it. I dodged zigzag from the knife thrust attack and at the last second, I grabbed his arm, dragged him towards me and I kicked his groin, and then, I grabbed his knife and I stabbed it through his left leg, letting him out a terrible scream. I thrust the knife again into his leg for the second time but Riley grabbed me from behind, leaving the knife attached on his leg, which prevents him from standing up. Riley, seeing Dylan injured, starts choking me, but I slammed on his foot and he lets go of me. I poked his eyes and I punched his nose. I forced his mouth open and I did an uppercut to his chin, causing him to be knocked out.

Meanwhile, for Dylan, he couldn't take the pain but he had removed the knife from his leg. But even that, he trips and falls, and his searing pain prevents him from standing up again. Riley was still knocked out and I walked away from the two, grabbed the metal pipe and I swung at Dylan's face as the get's up, knocking him out as well.

By this time, Zayn Allen and Silica Fairbanks quickly showed up and shocked to see me and the injured Dylan Jones and Riley Gibbson, all laying on the ground and they are incapacitated. Then, Zayn and Silica looked at me with hostile eyes, I realized that I went overboard... I feared for the worst...

At first, Zayn and Silica were unhappy by what I have done, but they quickly understood because I explained it to them that they are beating Sakura up and I knew that it was a criminal battery, a criminal offense for unlawfully hurting someone. I told them that I have no choice and I had to hold them off, so Sakura can warn them about what's going on.

In the aftermath of the dangerous battle being triggered by Dylan and Riley, Sakura Shinomiya was taken away to the hospital as she had suffered moderate bruises and injuries and having her left eye nearly dislodged by the beating from Dylan and Riley. I only suffered minor injuries but Dylan and Riley had inflicted the most damage, with cracked teeth, stab wound, bruised muscles, and concussion. She thanked me before she was being taken away by an Ambulance. I couldn't believe what happened to her. She's only a 17-year-old girl from Japan, with her parents being emigrated to the United States, just several years before. We've been friends with her since over a year and a half ago and we talked about anime, food, and about Japanese culture. I feel sorry for her, but I was super pissed at Dylan and Riley, who were violent for over a couple of years.

Even worst, I was predicting their behavior for a couple of years ago. This incident involving Sakura being the bullying victim or now known as the battery and assault victim is something I have been worried about and Zayn and Silica walked up to me, and they felt that they finally knew that my predictions were correct. The two later apologized for doubting me, and I quickly accepted it.

At some time, I can see Riley with his parents inside the Administrative Office on the 1st floor of the school and I knew that there is a conference going on right now. According to the principal, Dylan was also taken away to the hospital with Sakura due to the injuries I have caused. Since the class session is still ongoing at that time, I quickly ran back to Class 3-3 because I don't have to focus on them, I need to focus on the activity in school.

4:05 PM

As the clock strikes at 4 PM when class was over, I walked on the ground floor hallway when I saw Riley, with his parents walking on their side, looking infuriated after the conference, judging of how strict they are and how violent Riley's behavior was, including Dylan's, but the main focus was Riley, who perceived with anger and fury and it became even worse when he looked at Zayn and Silica as Riley said his final words before their departure: He said loudly with his threatening look...

"It's his fault that Dylan got banged up in this shit. One day, David Williams and the school will fall!"

...before Riley's parents smacked him on his head angrily telling him to shut up and they got in the car and drove away. This was the last time I see those two in person... Dylan being taken away the first because of his physical damage I caused, and Riley was officially expelled and dragged away by his parents after the time when Sakura and Dylan was taken away to the hospital. Again... this was the last time I... ever... see those two in school.

--Present day - 03/20/2021--

Even though Dylan and Riley are permanently expelled, I still monitored them by visiting Dylan's house, the only place I managed to get his house address out from, at the time before Dylan and Riley ganged up and beats Sakura. I only did this, to see what happens to them after they were expelled. I kept it on my personal records and saved it just in case. The recent visits to Dylan's house was on January 1, 2021, at mid-afternoon while Dylan was still there inside the room on the 2nd floor, and what I saw, he was super pissed at first, but when I looked at the binoculars, I remembered that he was writing something on the paper, something about drawing a school and I see a large wooden crate with a label says "Dangerous Goods" under his table. I couldn't know what it was to this day but it sends me slight fear about how dangerous he had bought when I saw his angry expression. Right now, I have kept my findings of Dylan Jones on my logbook, but Riley Gibbson's moves and his whereabouts are currently unknown and the two, still pose as a threat, this is what I know. I feel like I'm becoming a voluntary member of the FBI or any of the highest authority.

--Third Person P.O.V.-- 7:00 PM

Back at Hillsborough County High School, as the police along with the FBI began to investigate the site as a criminal investigation, someone, hiding behind the bushes saw the police... and they are thrilled and happy about something...

"Heh... They still didn't know where we are? What are we gonna do?" he said sinisterly.

"Time for [Phase Two] of our plan..." said one another and they left the scene with a briefcase, being unseen by the police and out into the darkness...

--To be continued for C.3--

Completion Date: March 2, 2019

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