01| Beauty

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Note- This story is fictional and would kinda be fast paced? Not to such an extent that it would make you think," whats happening?" But surely days would be skipped and all!!


"Raginiiiiii!!!" I heard my Ma shouting.

"Come down!! Dinner is ready!" She again shouted.

Closing my novel and sighing. I was just about to reach the climax of the book but then Ma.


I quickly went to the washroom, washing my hands and face. And then headed down stairs, to find Ma, Papa and Bhai there.

"You are late, fatty." My bhai commented.

"Bhai, if this is fatty na. You are for sure a burden on Earth." I retorted and Ma chuckled.

Atleast she understood my sarcasm.

"Ragu, you are late. Again." Papa commented as he smirked.

"Ayee yaar papa!! I am late only for dinners, office mein toh don't bring these topics." I whine as all my family chuckles.

"So how is Laksh?" Papa asked.

I looked at him with my raised eyebrows.

"Who is on the top in your ranklist." I ask back as I smirked.

"Fair enough. No questions." Papa got the message and continued eating.

He had made the policy- No work talks here at home. And see suddenly who is interested in knowing about my partner.

The thing is I would have even replied about my partner but I didn't even stay in office after his meeting. I quickly went to a prior case of mine. Some details were left so just completed those.

"Na seriously, Ragu. Laksh is the topmost agent of CBI. He is also your senior. I request you to respect him at times." Bhai sternly said.

While Papa and Ma nodded.

"He is my senior?" I ask bewildered.


"Okay, I will keep that in mind."

"But papa, bhai was it necessary for me to get a partner? Like I was working good alone, wasn't I? And now you give me a partner that too a senior. Can't I exchange my partner with someone from our firm." I put forth.

A partner is a partner, they could have assigned me someone from our branch. It would have been easy.

"No. There's a reason."


"You will get to know. Now Ragu eat!" Bhai said and I complied.

What reason is he talking about? Noticing I wouldn't get any answers, I sigh as I continued eating.


"Goood morning, beauty!" I heard an extremely cheerful voice whilist I was working on my case's important file.

"Ragini." I corrected him.

"Fiesty, I see." He winks as he grabs an apple from my side and takes a bite from it.

"That was mine." I yelled angrily.

"So? We are partners re! Its fine." He says as he takes a seat next to me.

"Exactly. Partners not friends. So maintain that stance." I tell him as I shut my file with a echoeing voice.

"Aye haye!" He comments as he wolf whistles.

I glare at him while he winks and leaves our desk.

How am I going to bare him? As my partner. Oh Gosh!

"Agent, you are called to the meeting room." Laksh comes again. Wait Agent? Has he gone mad?

But I guess he took my warning seriously.

Good though. I am happy.

"Yes." I say and stand up to leave while he follows. Is he called too?


"Agent R and Agent G. You have been called here for a mission. Your next assignment. Its a long mission. Three whole months. Nothing serious but inspection wise its superior." Director tells as Agent G nods.

"Agent R, its your first mission where you are going undercover for more than a day. I expect you to follow Agent G's instructions on this." Chief added sternly.

Bhai! This is so not fair.

"Did you not think over my request?" I ask chief.

"Which?" He asked smirking. He so remembers.

Director looks at us or I should say glares at me.

"The one I made last night?" I try to sound normal but in reality I am so pissed off at bhai.

"Agent R, you have to follow our orders. Or else do you want to be demoted? Anyone else from our branch can carry this mission forth, with Agent G." Director added extremely angry.

"I am sorry. Sir." I add with more force.

I understand he is my boss. Head. But I am his daughter also. Thodha consideration?

"So Sir, whats the assignment about?" I ask curiously.

"You both are going undercover, as a maried couple to live in Florida Apartments. Its a huge society, but suspicious too." Chief adds.

"Suspicious as in?" Laksh mouths my question. He acts so mannered infront of them.

Mere saamne kya hojata hai?

"You will eventually know when you go there."

"So what do we have to investigate?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just look around and you will find what's odd." Director adds. "You both can leave."

"Yes Sir," we say simultaneously.

Three months. Fake marriage.


Disclaimer- Its purely my story, any similarities would be a mere coincidence


Heya!!!!! Soooooo how did you find the book to be? Like the first chap?

I have posted this because the prologue crossed 20 votes.

Next chapter when it reached 27 votes. (Views were more)


How did you find The Flirty Laksh?
The achanak serious Laksh?
The sarcastic and angry Ragini???

Do tell!!

If you did like do vote and comment!

Thankyou ❤️

Take care!!



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