Chapter Seven

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(WARNING: there is some sexual parts of this chapter, so if you don't enjoy those I wouldn't recommend)

As the school day went on I tried my best to act normal, but found it difficult to get a certain raven haired boy off my mind. We had slept together, something I never expected to do with him.

I'm not going to deny that I've slept with people who I don't really like, either because I'm bored or just completely wasted. But this didn't feel like one of those times. Whenever I slept with someone I didn't really want to, I always felt ashamed, disgusting, and most of all regretful.

I don't regret sleeping with Jughead. And believe me, I know I should, it's my best friend's boyfriend for goodness sake. Honestly, I never thought of Jughead as anything more than an acquaintance before this, and now I have all these new feelings that I didn't know could exist inside of me.

All I know now is that I need to kiss him. To feel our lips connect again, like they'd always been meant to be together.

The bell rings and I walk out into the hallway, trying to shake off my fantasy. Suddenly, I feel a strong arm grab me and pull me into the janitors closet.

"What the-" I start to say, before my eyes adjust slightly to the darkness to see who is in here with me. It's Jughead.

"Veronica! Be quiet!" he whisper-screams, putting a finger to his lips.

"What the hell are you doing dragging me into the janitors closet?!" I whisper-scream back, suddenly filled with a passionate rage over something so small.

My eyes haven't fully adjusted to the dark yet, but I can see Jughead's eyes staring into mine, filled with the same passionate rage that I would asks such a sensible question.

And then he's kissing me. His strong hands clasped to either side of my face, pulling me in closer. He has to bend over to kiss me, since our height difference is quite extreme. He picks me up and places me on the small desk in the closet, my back hitting the wall with a bang a little loud for my liking, but he doesn't stop.

He pulls down my dress, only to my waist, leaving my chest fully exposed. He stops for a moment to look at me, and I finally catch my breath.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" I say between pants, and I see him grin before locking his lips to mine again, and I kiss him back, thrilled that my fantasy had become a reality so quickly. He takes off his shirt and I run a finger down his chest, enjoying the feeling of his abs against my hand.

He begins to kiss my neck aggressively, and I can't help but let out a small moan at the sensation. Without warning I slide of the desk, pushing him over onto the floor so I stand over him. I pull my dress completely off, leaving me in my bra and panties.

I climb on top of him, leaving hickeys all down his chest, pleaded to hear him groan in pleasure in response.

He grabs my ass and lifts me up again, this time slamming me against the wall of the closet. I clasp my hands to either side of his face and pull his lips onto mine. We stay like this for a minute or so, until he stops and puts me on the ground.

"What?" I ask, confused as to why he stopped so suddenly, and why he's putting his shirt back on.

"We can't do this, Veronica. Not ever again. You're my girlfriend's best friend. If she ever found out about this she would be so hurt! That's why I dragged you in here, but you looked at me with so much passion in your eyes and I just..." he trails off.

"Couldn't resist?" I ask playfully, grinning at him through the darkness as I pull on my dress.

"Lost control," he corrects, not able to hide his own grin. "Listen, like I said though, we can't keep doing this. This is a one time only thing."

"Two time," I correct him, and he rolls his eyes, before walking out of the closet.

I sigh, both in amazement and disappointment, and after a minute or so I leave too. If Jughead was trying to make me like him less, or not want to mess around with him any more, it definitely wasn't working.

I needed something - no - someone to get my mind off of Jughead. Now I know half the boys in this school would love to get in my pants, but truth is, I've never been that attracted to any of them. Well, except for Archie I guess- and Jughead now.

I needed to find someone that could handle maybe just being a fling for a little while, and not get too upset about it. My eyes glazed over the boys standing in the hallway with me before landing on the perfect candidate- Reggie Mantle.

I strutted towards him, a confident smile displayed on my face.

"Veronica! How's it going, gorgeous?" he asks, his normal flirtatious antics still turned all the way up to 100, even after last nights embarrassment.

"I'm alright, thanks Reginald. I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my house after school? Just to hang out, if you know what I mean," I smirk, watching him try to hide his excitement.

He paints his usual confident facade on before he responds, "I don't know, what do you mean?"

"I guess you'll have to see," I smile, looking him up and down before twirling around and heading to my next class.

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