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Once back in the house, I heard Terry heading back down the stairs with Andre in his arms.
"You guys okay?" He asked, handing Andre over. I held him tightly in my arms.
"Hello mommy" he smiled.
"Hello baby" I kissed his forehead, and he curled his head into my neck and closed his eyes. I followed Mike and Mia to the kitchen and we sat down at the wooden table.
"He was banging on the walls, he's gone crazy man." Terry said. Mike looked across at me. Mia lowered her head, looking down at the table.
"We leave tomorrow." Mike said.
"We're going to need a bigger car" I said.
"Why?" Mike questioned, irritated.
"You think I'm going leave Mia in a car with him? God knows what he could do" I said. Mia looked up to me, and smiled as if thanking me and I nodded back at her. Mike groaned then agreed.
"I'll go tell Jake how it is, we will set off on foot tomorrow to find the car, all of us, carry everything we can. He stays tied up. Agreed?" Mike said.
"Agreed" Terry nodded. Mike walked out the kitchen, Terry following behind.
"You sure it's okay if I join you?" Mia asked.
"I'm not going to let him hurt you Mia" I said. And she smiled.

The next morning I woke up. Mike had slept downstairs last night with Terry, they were up late sorting out the bags, checking weapons, deciding where we going to go to find the car. Mia had slept in the bed with me and Andre. They were both still asleep so I sat up. I could hear Mike and Terry downstairs.
"Mia, Andre its time to get up" I said. Andre turned over to face me and reached his arms out towards me. I sat up up against the backboard and let him wrap his arms around me.
"Morning Andre" I smiled. He smiled, and cuddled up next to me. Mia got out the bed, and stood up beside it.
"Morning" she said, before smiling slighty.
"You get a good nights sleep?" I asked.
"Best night in a while" she laughed. I got out of bed carrying Andre in my arms.
"I would do anything for a shower" I groaned. The water had cut out a few days back, as well as power.
"Yeah me too" Mia smiled. She stretched, then picked up her baseball bat. I hung my katana over my shoulder, still also holding Andre. We headed down the stairs.
"I think I'm going to miss this place" Mia said.
"Yeah, I think I will too" I sighed. Mike and Terry were sat at on the sofa in the living room, Jake was sat on the other side of the room, his hands were tied together with thin rope. Mia walked over and touched his shoulder, he flinched.
"Are you okay Jake?" She asked.
"This is all your fault" he spat back at her. Her face dropped and she stood a few steps away, leaning on the wall. I put Andre down, and he walked over to Mike. Who picked up him and sat Andre on his knee.
"Hey little man" Mike said. Andre smiled, like I said before, a boy of very little words. I looked across at Mia, her eyes had welled up but she swallowed back the tears, and smiled towards me. She was strong, I always knew it.
"Ready to go?" Mike asked. I nodded. "We going to walk the nearest local shop, me and Terry found it on the map, stock up on some more supplies, find a car" he said then he got up.
"Hey Andre want to spend sometime with Mia?" I asked him, and he nodded, running towards her and she picked him up in her arms. We left the house. Mia carried Andre, whilst me, Mike and Terry carried a bag and a weapon. Mike had strapped a bag around jakes shoulder, his hands were still tied up with the thin rope. I walked infront, with Mia behind me with Andre. Terry and Mike walked either side of Jake and pushed him ahead as he dragged his feet. "How far did the map say it was?" I asked.
"About 2 miles" Terry said. We carried on down the long country road, like the house each side was barricaded with wooden fences surrounding the country fields. Every so often there was a biter pushing against the fence, unable to get through, so we carried on walking. Until ahead in the distance I saw a biter, crouched over a dead body. It held what looked like the mans intestines in its rotten hands.
"Wanna hear a story Andre" Mia asked.
"Yeah" he let out a happy mumble, she knew what was going to happen and began to distract him. As we got closer it didn't even stir, consumed in its meal. I walked up behind the walker and kicked it onto its side. It arms flung up in the air, reaching out as if begging.
"The duckling was very ugly, compared to his brothers and sisters.." I heard Mia tell Andre the old tale of 'The Ugly Duckling'. I stabbed the biter in the forehead and its arms fell to its side.

We arrived at the local store around half an hour later. Andre was limp in Mia's arms, half asleep. It looked empty, abandoned. There was a sign in the shop window.
'Take as you need, God bless you'. The shop door was open. Next to the shop was a pharmacy.
"Michonne and I will take the shop first, get some bags filled. Terry take safety in the car over there until we get back." Terry headed over to the small car on the side of the carpark. Mia holding Andre, and Jake followed behind and they sat in the car whilst Terry stood outside, keeping watch. Mike headed into the shop and I followed. Mike began filling a back pack whilst I headed to the back of the shop. The cash register had been raided, it was funny to think that at the end of the world as we know it people still cared about money. There lay a dead walker body towards the back of the store. Gunshot to the head, its body was slumped into an upright position against the blood covered wall. I began to fill up my backpack with tinned corn beef, anything that would last a while, baked beans, sweet corn. 5 minutes later we had filled 3 bags and we headed back outside. Terry was not by the car.
"Where's Terry?" I called out trying not to make too much noise. And she pointed around the side of the shop.
"Jackpot!" I heard Terry say excitedly. I walked around the corner, to see what looked like a mini van.
"8 seater, great engine, badass tires, beauty don't you think?" Terry smirked. Mia and Jake came up behind us.
"If that's what you call beauty.." Mia laughed.
"Nice find T, very nice indeed" Mike let out a laugh of relief.


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