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I ran through, killing the walkers in my path. Andre's screamed blended with loud groans of the biters as they stumbled towards us, jaws clamping in hunger. "Keep moving!" I heard Mike shout. Terry stood by my side, bullets sprayed from his machine gun, killing the walkers instantly. There were hundreds.. Uncountable. All heading for us. We couldn't hold them off much longer.
"Run!" I shouted loudly. I stood to the side of the group, swinging my katana at the brains of the approaching walkers whilst the others ran ahead. I followed around 10 metres behind as we raced to the gates, dodging the swiping dead hands. I took out the biters with quick slices to the heads, I didn't stop running. My legs felt numb, but I just kept running. The others had made it out the gate now, biters were thin on numbers out there. As I reached the gate I realised Mike and Terry had ran out of bullets, they used knifes to take down the approaching biters. I turned to look over my shoulder to realise that they were following me. Hundreds of them following us. I caught up with the group, we had made it around 200 yards away from the compound and had created a gap between us and the biters.
"We got to keep going, keep running, find a car anything. We just need to get ahead of them, make sure they don't catch up. Maybe they'll get distracted by something else, go another direction" Mike said hopefully as he gasped for breath. The biters had soon begun to catch up. "Ready?" He asked. I kissed Andre's forehead, then nodded.
"Let's go." I said blankly. I turned to look at Mia who stared sadly at the ground. As the others began to start running I tugged at her hand. "We need to go." I said. She shook her head, falling to her knees.
"I can't Michonne. I can't." Mia said.
"Get up Mia!" I shouted, pulling at her hands, I felt so weak that I couldn't lift her. I desperately tugged at her hands. "Get up!" I screamed. She looked up at me, her beautiful blue eyes stared deeply into mine.
"Go" she said.
"No.. Not without you." I said.
"Please Michonne." She begged.
"Mia please get up!" I said, tugging at her arms as hard as possible.
"Go!" She shouted, the biters closing in.
"I won't leave you" I shouted. Tears began to fall from my eyes. "Please I need you!" I shouted.
"I'm sorry" she said, she let go of my hands. I felt someone take my hand, they began to tug me away from Mia.
"Please!" I screamed. "Mia!" I screamed again as tears streamed down my cheeks.
The hand held mine tightly, and tugged me atleast a few metres away from her.
"I love you Michonne" I heard her say.
"Mia please don't leave me!" I screamed. I watched helplessly as the biters swarmed over her. Her screams pierced the air. "No please! No!" I sobbed. My knees julted and my legs turned to jelly. The weight lifted of my feet, as someone picked me up.
"We have to go Michonne." Mike said, as he jogged quickly away from the biters who now covered Mia. Her screams had stopped.
"Please no..." I sobbed into his shoulder. "Mia!" I cried out.
She can't be gone.. Please God not Mia.. The baby...

Katana Swinging Zombie KillingWhere stories live. Discover now