Time to leave

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I woke up the next morning alone in my bed. It was a cooler day and the house was silent. I realise I had fell asleep fully clothed. I got up and walked to the bathroom and splashed my face with water. I looked up in the mirror, the room was dark - since the windows were boarded up. I tried to switch on the light but then it became obvious that overnight the electricity had cut out. Later last night the broadcasts on TV and the radio had both stopped. I walked downstairs, Mike and Terry were sat on the couch, Andre on the floor playing with his favorite small red car. Somehow he was fascinated by the quiet sound effects. Made him smile everytime. I leant against the door frame.
"Miccy have a little breakfast, it's on the side in the kitchen, we're going to leave in 10 minutes" Mike said. I nodded. I headed back to the kitchen, on the side was a bowl of cereal, cornflakes. I ate half the bowl before feeling full, I then headed back to my room upstairs. I remade my bed, and opened the curtains. Me and Mike had been sleeping together in this room for around 5 years, and it felt weird to leave this place. I left it tidy, incase we ever came home. I picked up my katana from beside my bed, and slung it around my back. Ready to leave. I headed back downstairs and once again leant on the door frame. Terry fumbled with his thumbs, obviously nervous. Mike comforted Terry. He put his arm around his shoulder, knowing each other since they were born made them incredibly close. I had never known them to argue, they were like brothers. "Maybe it's not as bad as we think, we'll be okay T" Mike said to him.
"Come on Andre" I knelt down and held out my arms to him, he ran to me and I picked him up, holding him against my hip. Mike and Terry got up.
"Is that the katana your father gave you?" Mike said with a slight smile. I nodded, smiling.
"That's super cool Michonne" Terry laughed.

"Okay this is how its going to work, Michonne you take Andre in the car, out him in his car seat, me and Terry will carry the bags and load the car. Once you have out Andre in his seat, close the door and keep watch for biters" Mike said as we approached the front door.
"Biters? That's what your calling them now?" I said sarcastically.
"Well I figured they bite, so biters" Mike laughed slighty. Terry joined him. They he unlocked the door slowly, I stepped outside carrying Andre, I ran over to the car and opened the door. I put him in his car seat and clipped the seat belt around him. "Mommy will be right back" I whispered to Andre. I then shut the door and looked around me. I then signalled Mike and Terry to bring the bags. I stepped away from the car, surveying the street. They began to carry the bags over. I looked around and across the street.

They had loaded the 6 bags into the trunk. That's when I heard it. The sickening groan and the biter stumbling from behind a bush on the opposite side of the street.
"Come on Miccy, hurry!" Mike said, standing by the car door, ready to leave. I didn't have to kill this biter. I know I didn't. But I strode forwards towards it, I pulled my katana from my back I lifted it high into the air as I approached it. I brought it down swiftly onto the biters skull. It split apart effortless as blood splattered across my face and I winced at sound of the body collapsing to the pavement. Blood spilled from the biter. Creating a pool around him. I looked down at the floor, and brought my hand to my head. Overwhelmed I stood, unable to move. "Miccy!" Mike ran over. My hands shook and the katana fell from my hand. "Nothing could have ever prepared us for this. But we must get use to it Miccy. It's them, or us." He picked up my katana and slid it into the holder on my back, before putting his arm around me and leading me back to the car.

I whiped the blood from my face with a hanker chief, I was sat in the backseat with Andre while Terry sat in the passenger seat, with Mike driving. We had been driving for around 10 minutes and already you could see the disaster that had be occurring around us. There were cars, over turned, wrecked. Blood along the floors. And the dead outside buildings, who watched as we drove past. So slow they were always unable to reach after the car. I shut my eyes and leant against the window. Mike was right, nothing could have ever prepared us for this. I had never thought of myself as someone to take another's life. Though it wasn't a person anymore. Was it. Not anymore. The scene replays again in my mind and I sigh, bringing my hands to my face, breathing slowly. But that wasn't the end, I was going to have to get used to this. And it wasn't going to be easy. Dead or alive.

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