Chapter 8

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As I walked to the warrior's den with Thorndrop she asked: "hey, can I move my nest and put it with yours?" "sure." and then as Thorndrop put her nest beside mine, I grew more and more tired. I put my head onto Thorndrop's soft back as I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up in the same place I did when I just turned into a warrior, as I got up from lying down I saw the same she-cat. "hey you, we met a few moons ago you were going to tell me your name." I meowed. "oh why yes, my name is Raven, and, I will be training you." Raven said. Raven walked closer to me "And you have some pretty great skills for a new warrior." Raven murmured and she smirked, she lied her tail down onto my shoulders "follow me, I need to show you something" she meowed.we walked further into the fog and it became more clear to see what was in front of me. Out of nowhere a cat came out, it was a tom, it was that loner I killed. "this is my brother, Midnight, but you guys met in a way I didn't want you too." Raven snarled. "I did not know that he was your brother." Owlbreeze replied, "well since you killed him, I'm going to train you to be stronger than Midnight and then you two will battle to test your strength!" Raven promised. "What, so I have to train again with Toadclaw again" Midnight sounded annoyed "YES!" Raven snarled Midnight sighed and walked away "so are you ready to be in pain and in glory for moons on end" Raven questioned, "yes, I want to be strong so I can make my clan fierce." Owlbreeze meowed "alright then, your training starts tonight" Raven purred "now, get into a fighting position," Raven said. He dropped down to the ground with his tail stood high to the sky "NO!" Raven snarled, I turned my head and looked at her "A mouse or even another cat can scent you" she mewed "oh so do I put my tail on the ground." Owlbreeze questioned, "yes, now do that and get closer to the ground." Raven meowed. As Owlbreeze got closer to the ground he felt his shoulders relaxed and his tail went lower to the ground "that's better, We will continue our training the next night but you need to awake and teach your Apprentice" she softly growled.


I woke in my nest beside Thorndrop, I got up trying not to wake up Thorndrop and the other cats, I walked outside of the den a big gust of wind hit my fur and face. A chill went down my back. I looked to the sky to see some stars still out and the moon shining down on my fur and then I looked towards the high Bolder and saw that Aspenstar was sitting there, I walked up to the leader. "why are you here.." Owlbreeze stopped as he saw Cedarbranch there as well, he hid in the bushes beside the high Bolder and started to listen to their conversation "have you had an omen or a vision anything yet Cedarbranch?" Aspenstar asked, "No, it has to be a while since starclan has spoken to me, but you know that there is another medicine cat Aquafeather she could have gotten a vision or an omen but we both need to go moon willow soon with the other medicine cats." As Cedarbranch finished Aquafeather burst out of the medicine cat den and sprinted to the High Bolder "Aspenstar! Cedarbranch!... I just had a vision and it was about" Aquafeather paused and moved her head towards the starry sky and she smelled the air "what was the vision about Aquafeather, speak up!" Cedarbranch meowed "I was asleep but I was in starclan and a cat by the name Dewfeather said to me, The clans are at risk there is a danger that no cat has heard of before but there is one cat that can save the clan's," Aquafeather meowed "Who is the cat!" Featherstar and Cedarbranch demanded "she did not tell me she disappeared and I woke up" Aquafeather meowed "I guess we will have to find out when we go to Moon Willow" Cedarbranch murmured "when is it?" Aspenstar questioned "in a moon and half, I would have to say" Cedarbranch mewed.

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