Late. Chapter 3.

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"its been 15 minutes captain, what would you like us to do" Jean said a little nervous as everyone been waiting for polly to show up liked ordered. "maybe she left since she wasn't going to take orders" Connie said as looked to the four captains. "with her attitude i dont think it would be that easy to make her leave" Sasha said as she ate a potato. "maybe the fear of being going back home as a Failed war hero scared her and she left to join somewhere else so she could keep some pride" Hanji said with a small smile.

"what do you think" eren said with a smile. "i dont think she would leave so easy even with a scare of Failed war hero, she probably thinks her daddy can protect her from being sent home like that" Farlan said with worry. "even the queen cant stop a captain giving that order out or hide it from the world, she might be stuck up but she should know that as well" Armin said with a small smile. "newbies, go to the girl cabins with Connie and Sasha, drag her here or find out if she left" Mikasa ordered and the four nodded. "yes captain" Kieran saluted with a worried smile. "come back if you dont find her or find anything out, we dont want to waste all day on this" Levi ordered and they saluted again. "understood captain" graham smiled and the four ran off. 

"so mind telling me why you ordered three of my soldiers to go" Levi said crossing his arms at mikasa. "the newbies know her better, Sasha the only girl we can send since i cant go and Connie works well with Sasha" Mikasa said crossing her arms as well. "no fighting, it was a good order" Hanji smiled. "i didnt think about that, captain mikasa and Sasha really are the only girls in these two groups" Jean said shocked as they never noticed. "yeah we use to have ymir and christa but one dead and one a queen" eren said with a small smile. "well we do have polly now but i still wont count her as one of us but from the ordinal group then yeah we only got two girls left, well hanji as well but she her own captain is a different group" Armin smiled. "no wonder Sasha had to be sent since polly sleeping in the girls cabins since we not clear the new rooms in the groups cabins" Farlan said with a smile. 

"we back and its not looking good" Connie yelled as the four ran over. "i checked inside the girls cabin and her stuff was there but no one seen her since early this morning" Sasha said with worried. "the guards said they saw her early in the hour and she was in full uniform so they thought she had early chores to do" Kieran said with a worried smile. "what should we do, if she caught by a high rank while skipping she get in trouble and we be looked down on .. plus if she gone off running to her dad we have to go after her since she broke orders" Graham said worried. 

"nah only mikasa and our group will be looked down on and since you both newbies your both get let of" Armin said with a worried smile. "fuck, what are you going to do" eren hissed at the thought of mikasa, jean and Armin being punished for the stupid girl. "i ask the guards where she was heading, mikasa get your group ready to run after her" hanji said worried and annoyed. "my group will keep an eye on the ass commander so he doesn't get called and finds out, we send a signal if he on your tail" farlan said with a smile and started walking to find his own group. 

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