Camp and a sack. Chapter 4.

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"so how did the talk with polly go" hanji asked with a worried smile. "I had to step in and pull her out the room" Levi said as he crossed his arms. "that bad, did she try fighting with mikasa again and saying her family will save her" Farlan said with worry and not many people get dragged out by Levi who normally just stands in the hallways listening. "she was fighting, yelling and talking shit to mikasa who just stood there taking it like a good captain but I had to drag get out before mikasa lost it and beat the crap out of polly" Levi said with his head down shocking the two. "polly made mikasa nearly lost her cool now way, how in the hell did she go that far" Hanji said shocked. "she started to bring up the past where many got killed and about the towns what got over taken when mikasa was just a kid saying how useless the soldiers was and then she kinda insulted me" Levi said with a small smile as he felt happy mikasa got mad over people who insulted him. "yeah no wonder she lost her cool if polly insulted Levi" Farlan said with a grin like that answered everything. 

"so what gonna happen to polly" jean asked as the rest was just standing or sitting on the floor listening. "well polly will still be in our unit for now but if she dose anything to put mikasa group or everyone here in danger she will sent her away as a Failed war hero" Levi said with a straight face. "is mikasa putting up with polly because we wont get anyone else until after the next battle and mikasa dont want to send us in with a newbie and a man down" Armin asked with worry and the captains looked at them shocked. "we overheard mikasa talking about how they wont be able to get another soldier to join until two weeks and that would mean mikasa group will be going in with one man down and a newbie who never seen battle" Connie said with a worried smile. "well I guess if you heard her then yes, going in with two newbies is bad enough to make most of a group die protecting the newbies but going in without a full team is even worse" Hanji said with a frown. "well then I guess we just have to work hard and put up with polly for mikasa sake and our family so everyone comes home alive" Sasha said with a grin and everyone cheered.

"if we can handle titans, humans, battle, Levi scariness then we can handle polly" eren cheered with the groups.  "I know mikasa gone to pick up the paperwork for us all to ride into the walls camp but where polly, she should be with her group" Farlan asked with worry. "well when we were meant to walk with polly to the meet up area she wasn't in the girls cabin, so we can on our own" Kieran said with a small smile. "we were hoping she would be here already but no luck, so I'm guessing non of you know where she is" graham said with a nervous smile as everyone frowned. 

"morning, sorry I'm late I had to wait for ass commander to sign them all" Mikasa said as she walked in with a sack over her shoulder and paperwork in her other hand. "thanks mikasa but um what with the moving sack" Levi asked as he took the paperwork and placed it on his desk. 

"well as I was walking to the ass commander after notching he didnt sign them all right, I bump into a lost birdy who was outside his door with an angry letter so I caught it and bought it back with me" Mikasa said as she dropped the sack and everyone heard a ouch. "can we open it" eren asked with a grin and mikasa nodded. "should we open it" jean said worried. "yeah I dont wanna lie to the cops about not seeing anything" Armin said with a worried smile. "lets just open it, if mikasa was gonna hide a body she wouldn't show it to you or faints so easy" Hanji said with a giggle and the pulled the rope. 

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