The Front Office (3)

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Once I got down to the front office, the principal pointed me into his office. I had no idea what I had done. I was trying to think, but nothing crossed my mind.

I went into his office and sat down in the right chair, but the sun was going straight into my eyes. I decided to get up and try sitting in the left chair, once I stood up, Mr. Davis said, "Where do you think you are going?"

"Oh, the sun was in my eyes, so I was going to sit here," I pointed to the left chair, "I am sorry for the misunderstanding," I say then sitting down. I was so happy the sun wasn't glaring into my eyes.

"Okay, well, Miss. Roberts, I wanted to talk to you about a few reports we received regarding you."

"Huh? What were the reports about? What did I supposedly do?" I ask, confused.

"Calm down Tessa. You are not in trouble-," Mr. Davis was saying until I interrupted him, "Then why am I down here? If I am not in trouble why did you receive reports regarding me? What did I do that pulled me out of class?"

"Tessa, please calm down, no need to interrupt," Mr. Davis said calmly.

I didn't say anything back to him. I didn't know what to say. I was furious because I knew I was innocent, I knew I didn't do anything wrong. He even said it for himself that I wasn't in trouble.

"I got a total of three reports. Two of them were from the same person, and it was about bringing drugs onto school property. The third report was from being a distraction, the person who filed said you were wearing tight and short clothes for multiple days. That you were also being a distraction by being under the influence of drugs or alcohol during school hours."

"This is not true! I have only had alcohol once and it was by accident, it was in the summer! I have never done drugs! Who are these from? Are they from Chloe or Eve? Are they from my fucking brothers? None of this is true! I promise! I am a good kid! I am a good student!"

What did I do to any of them? I have done my best to be a good sister. Chloe is just a bitch and Eve does what she says. I am so done with them. I didn't do anything. I don't do drugs!

"Rose was the one who reported the two about drugs, and-," I interrupted Mr. Davis again. "No, no, Rose wouldn't do that. She is my friend. She is my only friend. She wouldn't betray me like that," I yell trying to defend Rose even when she was supposedly betraying me.

Without hearing who the other person was, I ran out of Mr. Davis's office, and ran right out of school. One of the office ladies were calling after me, but I didn't care. I couldn't believe what Rose had done. I thought I could trust her.

* * *

The next day in baking, I asked Rose if what she had done was true. She didn't answer, which means it was probably her.

At lunch I didn't go and eat in the bathroom, because I wanted to see if Alec was in my lunch. I use to be upset that Rose was not in my lunch period, but right now, I am glad she isn't.

When I see Alec, he is making a beeline toward a table. The table has a few kids, but the other half of it, where Alec was sitting down at, had no one. I went over to ask him if I could sit with him.

"Sure, why not?" he says while smiling.

"Thanks. I wanted to say hi and ask you if need any help in geometry. We are in the middle of the unit, and I wanted to make sure you know what we are doing. I don't know if your old school was on this unit."

"Thank you for worrying, but I understand everything so far."

"Okay, just making sure," I say while I give him a grin.

Alec pulls out a book so I ask him, "Hey, what are you reading?"

"Oh it is Divergent, I have read the series multiple times. I just really like it."

"Which book is your favorite," I ask.

"Divergent for sure! Allegiant and Insurgent are not as interesting to me. I love seeing Tris going through all the hardships to make Dauntless. Sorry I really like the book," Alec says while giving a little laugh at the end.

He is so adorable! He is a little nerd but he doesn't dress like one at all! I give a laugh and then say, "It is alright. I love the book myself too. I also don't like the sequels as much as the first one."

Alec has a nervous laugh then goes on with, "Yeah, hey, you seem pretty cool. You already know I am new here, so would you mind being friends?"

"I would love the be friends with you," I replied.

Right when Alec opened his mouth to say something, the bell rang so I said, "Okay, I will catch you later then?"

Before he replies I am off to my next period.

I knew he was going to say something, so why didn't I stay quiet. Ugh, I also should've asked him for his number. I am so stupid! Why did the bell ring, why did I have to leave, why did I even leave? I wasn't in rush. Ugh I hate myself.

* * *

Once I get home, I glance out my window. I started to question why Rose would betray me like that, but decided I didn't want to think about it again. When I started to walk over to my bed, I saw all the mascara dried up on my pillow

When I got home, I went straight to my room, locked my door, and started to bawl on my pillow. I left a huge mascara mees on my beloved pillow but I cried myself to sleep that I night. I was so surprised and hurt that Rose betrayed me like that. She knows I have never done drugs. I was so shocked. When Brian and Blake got home, it was their first time they were worried of what happened. The front office told them I ran out of school, so when they got home they wanted to see if I was at home, safe.

I pulled out my copy of Divergent and started to read once I got wrapped up in my pale yellow comforter. I got the comforter from my dad as a present on my 15th birthday. It has two lines that are horizontally parallel from one another at the top and bottom of it.

While I was in the middle of chapter 22, my phone went off. It was a notification from Instagram that said, "You are so fucking stupid. Go kill yourself."

I opened it up and saw it was a DM from Rose.

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