What Happend in Afghanistan

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They all turned to him as he started to explain.
"When we got there, we were waiting for confirmation that an enemy base was working in the forests. We got word and had orders to infiltrate the enemy base and grab a secure hard drive. It was why we had the extended deployment. Without it we would've had to stay longer. They had told us that they needed just us two—"


Barry and Kara were silently walking along the narrow pathway. Barry in front and Kara watching his six.

In their ear they heard General Lane, "Sitrep?"

"Nothing yet sir." Barry sighed. They began walking forward when, all of a sudden, their coms began to crackle. "General?" Barry said.

Shortly after Kara said, "Sam? Ya there?" When she got no answer they moved a bit back and once they thought they were far back enough.

"General Lane, come in."

"Allen. What's wrong?"

"There's a slight interference with the comms. We'll be dark until we find the base." Barry replied.

"No. Fall back. We can't have you go into the unknown with no one on the receiving end." Lane said as soon as he heard Barry's comment.

"But Gener-" Barry began before being interrupted by Lane.

"Sergeant Bartholomew Henry Allen. I will NOT explain to my superiors and to your wife and Kara's fiancée and both of your family and friends that you were killed in a mission with no back up. Also it is borderline stupid."

"Sir—" He was interrupted again but not by Lane. By Kara.

"Sir, with all due respect you sent us in this op. It's the main reason why we came and without it the whole thing is blown. You said yourself, you need the best. We can give that to you."

She heard silence and continued speaking, "While you two were shouting at each other I walked father up. There's a small warehouse just 1/2 a mile up from here. There's a couple of jeeps parked outside filled to the brink with ammo and guns. There's an insurgent which I could see had a few RPG's in the back and one guard by the door with a customised M191. I think the warehouse is about 12x15 meters squared from the angle I was looking. It could hold the hard drive with a medium sized army inside or it could be a distraction. Either way it's the only lead we have at the moment."

"Okay, but let us find the schematics for the warehouse. First activate the cameras we placed in your vests. We may not be able to talk to you but we need to see." Lane caved.


"Copy." They said.

"Hold tight and whatever you do, DO NOT let your guards down."

"Yes sir." Barry replied.

They activated their cameras and stuck to the shadows beneath the trees. After a few minutes they saw 2 more jeeps move into the direction of the warehouse.

"Do we follow it?" Barry asked.

"I don't know. Should we ask Sam?" Kara said. Barry nodded.



"We see two enemy vehicles move towards the warehouse. What's are course of action. Stay or follow." Barry asked.

"Check it out. But do not, under ANY circumstances, engage the enemy."

"Yes, Sir." Barry said, slightly terrified.
Kara had asked, "what if they see us? Should we abort or return fire?"

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