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So in all fairness I've never done this before so... Yeah.

I guess thanks to WritersBlock039 for tagging me (might never do this again).

Let the getting to know COMMENCE!

Full name: No way in goddamn hell am I putting my name on this. Give me about 5 years, you may get it.

Hobbies: I honestly don't have time for hobbies so I guess I'll just write reading fanfiction since it's all I have time for.

Fave song: NF Let you down and probably all of his songs.

Home screen background: LOKII!!

Big dreams: Its not exactly a big dream but its a dream so. I would really like to be an engineer. I keep at the back of my mind 'ooh let's be an army engineer' but I'm sticking with a standard engineer for now.

Sleep well: In general? No. Last night? Somehow, yes.

Friends: I would like to think that the people I currently hang out with are my friends but really only one of them actually care. But my siblings like me so I guess they can be classed at my friends too.

Like math: Sometimes. But I just got some results today from my maths exam on Friday and I got 61/80 so :))

Where am I from: England.

Fave subject: PE. Or sports I don't know what other countries call it.

Like sports: it'll be odd if my Fave subject was PE and I didn't like sports. My favourite would be Football (or soccer for other countries).

Healthy: Abso-fucking-lutely NOT. I chubbs.

How much do I cost: I have no idea in what the means.

Fave singer: NF or Lucidious and lots of others but these two are the best.

Siblings: why yes, I have 3 siblings. 2 brothers and 1 sister.

Draw: Haha, fuck no. I can just about draw a stick figure.

Lessons on Monday: yes.

Crush: do celebrities count?

Single or taken: single, not allowed to mingle.

If I could take home an idol, who?: Scarlett Johansson. Cuz well I miss Natasha.

I don't know who to tag so whoever sees this, try it. Or don't. It's up to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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