Welcome To Walden

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Clark's POV


I was awakened by the deafening sound of my alarm. Barely concious, I reached over to my phone on the nightstand and turned it off before shutting my eyes again.

Instantly, I snapped them back open realizing that I had to get Madi up- that is if I can get myself up.

It was her first day of 7th grade at her new school. She used to go to Phenix, but after breaking up with Fin, her father, we moved farther in the suburbs so she'll have to attend Walden.

Walking in her room, I softly said her name "Madi, wake up" No response. "Madi?" I shook her shoulder and she groaned, pulling the blanket away from her face and rolling over.

"It's your first day of school you can't be late!" I grabbed a pillow off her bed and hit her with it "Mhmm five more minutes..." She mumbled sleepily.

"Suite yourself" I shrugged and left the room, dragging her blanket with me "FIIIIIIIINE'' She whined. I knew she sat up by the sound of the bead springs creeking.

I hurridly went back to my room and laid out an outfit. I might have to run a few arrands after dropping her off so I wanted to look some what human.

I settled on black leggings, short brown leather boots, and a slim- fitting white button up. Since Im stopping at the school first, I wanna look like I have this whole Mom thing down. Maybe I should by now.....

I looked up at the clock.


She had to be there by 7:45 which meant I had no time to make breakfast or put on my make up so I figured I could just stop somewhere on the way to grab a bite.

"5 minutes!" I called for her to know to be ready but instead she stepped infront of me "Already done.'' She said smiling

"Aww so cute on your first day!" I said making her giggle "Mom stahhhhp" She said and I complied with a smile.

She had on black jeans and a light blue hoodie that said "I put myself back in the narrative" I remember giving her that during her Hamilton obsession phase last year.

I grabbed my keys and we hopped in the car "Wanna stop at dunkin?" I said and ahe grinned "You know it"

The drive through line went pretty fast, I got Madi a medium charamel frappe while I got a large sweet tea. Im a tea addict, what can I say?

I connected my phone to the aux and played one of my favorite songs, Make You Mine.

I pulled up to the carline. As we got closer to Madi's department, I saw her leg start to bounce anxiously.

"Madi." I said calmly till she looked at me "Yes?" She said trying to sound as at ease as possible "It's okay to be nervous, but dont worry. Remember what Evan said?" She nodded

"Today is going to be a good day because you're you, and that's enough."

"Exactly. Juat be you okay princess?" She smiled genuinely and put her hand on the handle "Thanks mom, I love you"

"I love you too"


Madi's POV

I got to homeroom just before the bell rang. Luckily for me, there was a seat available on the back row. I put all my stuff down quietly as possible trying to go unoticed.

On the board at the front of the class the name "Mr. Blake'' Was underlined. At least Im in the right class.

"Goodmorning class" A soothing voice rang out and everyones attention snapped to a desk in the top left of the classroom

"Goodmorning Mr.Blake" Everyone mumbled back. There was a man seated behind it. He had tan skin and brown eyes, his   hair was suprisingly messy for a teacher but I didn't question it.

"As some of you already know, I teach Ethics and moral philosaphy but I ofcourse also have you all in the morning. Forget about first day jitters and take the time to mingle with your peers" This I was good at.

I may be a little akaward, but I like to socialize. I boy in the front of the room turned around to see the rest of the class and oh my god. He had black hair with a caramel highlight in the front and brown eyes.

I heard laughter, but I didn't process what was happening until now. Because now the brown eyes are staring back at me.
Actually, all eye's are staring at me. And everyone's grinning. What's so funny?

Then I realized, the girl next to me had hollered "Jordan! The new girl's staring at you!" Ah, so that's his name. And apperantly the girl's name is Charlotte because that's what Mr. Blake said when repremanding her.

My blood was pumping through my veins at rapid speed as heat rose up to my cheeks.

Before knew it, my hand was on her face and I heard a loud clap and the sound of 16 other buzzing voices and "OOOOO"s

Clark's POV

I was in target when suddenly my phone started ringing. On the front the screen read "Walden Middle School"

Oh god, what could they POSSIBLY want?

"Ms Griffin? Yes this is about your daughter"

Bellarke~ Madi's MomWhere stories live. Discover now