Old Friends

110 7 3

Clark's POV

"Clark?" Raven stared at me with wide eye's and a huge grin on her face. Immediantly, I dismounted from my seat and rushed over to hug her.

She extended her arms towards me and I puled her close, wrapping her in my embrace. "I haven't seen you since high school!" She exclaimed cheerfully as we pulled apart and looked eachother over, refamiliarizing ourselves. 

"I know! Not since....well-" Her smile fell as she looked around frantically before her eyes set on Madi "Is she-" "Yep" I cut her off. ''

She brought her lips close to my ear and whispered "Is she his?" I nodded sorrowfully at her "Divorced. She's mine now.'' I responded quietly. 

Although it wasn't my favorite subject, I'm not surprised she  asked. After all, how could anyone forget the incident. 

From behind her, someone cleared their throat "You remember Murphy don't you?" Raven gestured to him, showing him off since she clearly knew I remembered well. 

"Of course! Just Can't kill the cockroach can ya?" smiled at him giving him a small hug 

'Good to see you too, Griffen" He replied with a smile. 

That's wen I finally noticed the little girl holding Murphys hand and remembered why we were here in the first place. 

Before I could say anything, Madi said "Uh Mom?" I turned to face her, estatic to finally be able to introduce her to someone of my past. 

"Oh right, guys, this is my daughter Madi." 

'Hey!" They said in unison.  "Madi, this is Raven, Murphy, and-''

''Charlotte." She said as her face darkened. The young girl glared at her. I was conflicted. That's my best friends daughter. But, that little brat hurt my daughter. Why do none of those stupid mommy blogs ever talk about this?

Everyone was quiet for a moment as me and Raven communicated with our eyes before finally Bellamy spoke. 

"Glad that took some pressure off the situation. Since you guys know eachothere Im assuming you don't wanna hear me go on about disagreeing daughters so I'll get straight to th point"

How come I never had teachers like him? My parent teacher conferences used to take hours! Thank God I don't have to sit through that. 

"Basically, Madi may have been glancing at a young man in the class and Charlotte announced this to the class. Its understandably upsetting. However, based on school policies, it's still not appropriate to hit her." 

My shoulders tensed as Madi gave me a worried look. What if she got suspended? No way I could parent that situation right now. 

"Lucky for them, it's only their first day so I'm willing to show them leniency. "

"Thank you Mr. Blake" Raven smiled at him as Murphy gave charlotte a look of warning ''No problem, but please, call me Bellamy."

After a few more minutes, we left the school and were walking through the parking lot. 

"It was great running into you, both of you"  I said genuinely  

"Same here" Raven said, folding her jacket over her arm. 

I didn't wanna say goodbye quite yet ''Hey are you guys busy tonight?" I perked up. 

"Yeah I'm going to see a game at seven. But Ravens free right?" Murphy said, shifting his gaze away from me and onto her. 

She nodded excitedly "Yeah, wanna pull an all nighter?" She said. Just like old times. "You now it" 

The girls cheered in unison. They still didn't like each other, but they were excited to stay up late I suppose. 

"Not you two" I smiled while booping Madis nose

"But moooom" Charlotte whined "It's a school night you know the rules. Be lucky you're not in trouble after that little stunt you pulled today"

Raven really seems to be good at this whole parent thing. Wish I could feel the same. 

"Alright then, I'll see you around six" She said. I said my goodbyes, Madi as well. I'm glad she likes them cause I don't know what I'd do if she thought otherwise. 

As soon as we got In the car, she huffed. "What?" I said cluelessly. "I can't believe you invited her to our house- our only safe place from idiots like her!" 

"Watch it" I said side-eyeing her "Sorry,  like your friends but WHY does she have to come too?"

"Because we aren't going to exclude her, look just, please do this for me. You know how long it's been since I've seen them?Besides, this is your chance to befriend her. The only way to destroy an enemy is to make them your friend" 

I cringed, I sued to hate cheesy lines like that growing up but it's all I knew to say 

"Or with my fists..." She mumbled while crossing her arms



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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