Three Fundamental Truthes

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Clarks POV

Oh God, what am I supposed to do? Away from home, Madi's never been in trouble before, yet here I am sitting outside her school tryingto decide what I'm supposed to say.

On one hand I know I've raised my daughter well- at least I hope I have, so I believe that if she slapped someone, it was for a legitimate reason.

However, she might've gotten her fathers hostility and she just decided today was not her day.

Regaurdless if she was right in the situation or not, would I be forced to make a big deal about it so I seem like I know whta I'm doing?

So many questions to ask and so little time to answer. I looked at myself once more in the over head mirror, I had the same outfit as this morning on but I didn't put on any makeup and I honestly don't wanna look as tired as I feel.

I took my phone out of my purse, it read 5:55 and Im supposed to be in her homeroom teachers office at six pm on the dot and I really don't wanna be late considering the impression they must've already made on our family.

Speaking of family, I'm not exactly excited to see the parents of a kid my daughter slapped, adulting should really come with a manuel.

Walking into that office felt like a walk of shame. I greeted the receptionist with a smile "Hi-hello" hello seems more professional "I have to speak with Ms...." God what was that lady's name?

She modeled my confusion before coming  to a realization "Oh are you Madi's Mom?" So the word already got out I suppose. I simply nodded, "Right this way. ''

I followed the women down the hall as my eyes scanned the walls and their decorations. I was so disctracted I nearly bumped into her.

She opened the classroom door "Hi, Ms. Griffin is here to see you" she stepped aside for me to enter and like angelica, I realized three fundimental truthes at the exact same time.

Number One: Madi was sitting in a seat infront of a wooden desk-a teachers desk, and although she is facing the opposite way from me, I can tell she's upset by the way she's s;outching with her arms crossed, but anxious from the way she bounces her leg.

Number two: The teacher behind the desk isn't a Ms. at all, its a man. A pretty attractive one not to mention. I must've been staring becuase I had pretty much memorized every detail on his face.

"Hey we haven't been formally introduced, and I hate that it's on these terms but Im Mr. Blake, but you can call me Bellamy." He smiled and extended his hand for me to shake which I gladly did.

"Nice to meet you I'm Clark, Clark Griffin." he nodded towards a seat beside Madi so I sat down and placed my purse on his desk

"So what exactly happened?" I asked while looking back and fourth between the two "Oh well I was gonna discuss that once everyone was here"

Darnit, I really wish this was a private affair. "Yeah I know" I laughed nefrvously before continuing "Its just that.... ya know....." I avoided his gaze. I feel like maybe I'm the one being punished.

"You don't wanna discuss it in front of the other parents?'' He said while grinning at me which lightened my mood a bit. Ugh this guy saw right through me,I must look like such an idiot.

"No, no, no, I just uh..." He began to chuckle lightly 'It's alright I know how you feel. It's alot harder then it seems, isn't it?" He asked. Fianlly, someone who undertstands how difficult this whole parenting thing is.

"Yeah, kids of your own Im presuming?" I said as a half statement, half question.

"You could say that, I practically raised my younger sister, Octavia after our mother died from an overdose since our father left us''

He said it so casually, as if this was something he spoke about often like last nights football game or a good song, but his eyes told a differnt story.

"Oh I'm so sorry, that's really nice of you though, to do that for your sister," I said sympathetically.

He shrugged seeming to not want to continue the subject, but was keeping his composure in his workspace. He seemd to be opening up to me more though.

It was quiet for a moment and I could practically see the gears turning in his head as he thought. "If you really must know, I think charlotte deserved to get slapped, she called out your daughter for well.....looking at a boy. It was uncalled for. Just don't tell anyone else tha okay?" He asked as if I would spill to one of my many friends here.

So that's what all this is about?She had a little crush and some nuisiance exposed her. I would've done a whole lot more than that back in my day. EW DID I JUST SAY BACK IN MY DAY?!?! How old am I?!?!

I looked at her with one of my "OOOO a boyy <3" faces which caused her to blush bashfully and look away. I looked back at Mr. Bl- Bellamy, and smiled wide "Thanks for telling me, my daughter just knows she can check out the menu even if she doesn'y buy the meal I guess" Which caused him to laugh.

"I guess so, she gwt it from you? My sisiter got alot of the personality trsits from my mom and physical features from my Dad. And she seems to look more like her father so...." He motioned with his hands as he trialed off

"She  definitely does. And as for her father, that's my ex husband and she seems to meerly recemble his hair color fortunately. He had her from a previous marriage and he didn't ttreat either of us right so I took full custody."I said, am I over sharing? I just haven't vented in a while.

"What a good story, you took her in and awfullt yong Im pressumng since you seem to be 25 at most."  Hr smiled "Yeah Im 23 and I really need an instruction manuel. he chuckled in synce with me "Tell me about it. ''

Number three: "Hey is this Mr. Blake's room??'' I recogmize that voice, I instantly turned around


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