*Fight For Life*~16

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(Kacie's P.O.V.)

I was trying very hard to keep myself planted in the bathroom, but even for as weak as Criss was, he was very easily pulling me out of the bathroom, I didn't want to be analyzed by his family or to be thought of as being some kind of cheap floozy or trollop, just getting into the ill Mindfreaks pants just to get into his wallet, and then into his wedding bed so after he died, I would inherit it all. Which was exactly how I knew it was going to go down because in reality what kind of young poor girl like me would really want anything to do with a gravely ill and older man that was in the process of dying, other than wanting his money and his name of fame.

Criss finally managed to get me out of the room where I was instantly surrounded by prying eyes and a lot of looks of wonder and by the energy in the room it didn't feel like a very good presence. I just wanted to shrink down and disappear into nothingness. But Criss wrapped both of his arms around my neck, kissed me on the cheek, and introduced me to them at the same time. I tried to say hi to them, but I couldn't find my voice, Dimitra walked all around me as she looked me over real good, finally, she came out and asked me what my interest was in her son and that I was way too young to actually find him attractive.

Her cold resentment of me without even knowing me really put me in an awkward position, but at the same time it kinda pissed me off a little bit, because I was very sexually attracted to him, and he's always been my only interest my entire life. Criss asked his mom politely not to be that way, but I ignored his pleas with her, and I told her that my interest in him was completely emotional and extremely sexual. Criss looked down at me with a somewhat of a flattered look mixed with slight shock, Dimitra didn't have anything else to say after that, Klayton managed to get a chuckle out of what I said though he was now up and right beside with all of his undivided attention on me.

Costa and JD were still curious about me but also siding more on their mom's side that I was up to no good. Klayton gave me a very close and personal looking over then asked me quite a few questions, and at the end of his little interrogation, he told them all that he said I was ok, and not up to anything henke, then he added very colorfully that his blood brother had a very good taste in females. Now instead of just Criss making me blush now, I had Klayton to worry about. There was something about him that made me feel that I knew him, but from all the worry and concern about Criss, I just couldn't place him.

I felt the weight of Criss get heavier on me rather quickly, I knew he was losing his strength, so I held onto him and walked with him back to the bed without letting his family know that he was getting ready to fall out. Criss thanked me in my ear as I sat down with him, but to them, they thought he was just kissing on my neck. After he was comfortable in bed again, he called his son to him and pulled me down beside them both and asked him what he thought of me. Johnny put his toy down and moved really close to me and kept staring at me with his daddy's famous stare, after the long period of silence was over with Johnny asked if I liked bunny rabbits and his daddy's magic. 

I was a little apprehended by the odd question his son asked me, but I told him very quickly that I loved his dad's magic, and I liked bunny's a lot. Johnny clapped his hands together as he said yay, then he looked at Criss and said he liked me because I liked bunny rabbits like he did. Criss chuckled as he gave his son a hug and told everyone that his son was such a silly ham and that he loved him so much. I had to admit Johnny was such an adorable lil boy, and I definitely saw his daddy in him.

I was sitting in one of the chairs next to Criss's bed when I noticed Criss whispering something in his son's ear, but I ignored it and continued listening to Dimitra ask me 1 million questions to why I was with her son until I got tired it not sinking into her head, that I was there because I loved him more than life itself, and age was just a silly ass number and I wasn't about to let something as tiny as a number to come in between us. And for the fact, that he was dying and I had to be there for him...NO, he wasn't dying he was just not 100% right now, he was going to win this fight, and be ok and get back to his life and his magic in no time.

So out of all that came, I had Klayton and Criss's son Johnny on my side, and the rest of them were still thinking I had some devilish scheme to suck Criss dry while he was in a weakened mind and body, but they were sadly mistaken, and I wasn't going to quit telling them until it sunk into their heads that I would do anything for Criss, I would even die for him if I knew it would save him. Because what did I have to live for? I had no family except for my Aunt Lucy, no friends, hell I didn't even have a place to live accept mooching off of my aunt and living in her spare bedroom.

Criss had so much more to live for, a loving family, hundreds of friends, millions of loyal fans, and an amazing career...his life was definitely worth fighting for, but what could I do to really help him defeat this deadly virus he had in his heart, I don't think I would be able to go on living if I lost him, and that was the truth. I looked over at his mom and brothers and changed my thought patterns when I realized that Criss never mentioned to his family yet that he asked me to marry him. Johnny slid out of the bed and came over to me and without hesitation, he crawled up into my lap and curled up in my arms and fell asleep. Instead of going to his grandma or his three uncles that he knew very well, he came over to me. I looked around the room as I gently rubbed his head, then I looked at Criss as a few emotional tears of happiness filled my eyes...Criss smiled at me as he caught the meaning in my expressions.

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