*Fight For Life*~21

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(Criss's P.O.V.)

As soon as I saw my mommy with Kacie walk into the room at the same time and they weren't at each other's throats I had a huge burst of positive pride rush thru me, and I smiled at both  of them  as I told them it was about time my two favorite ladies that I loved more than anything came to see me. I reached over and pulled them both in for a hug, then after my mom gave me a kiss on the cheek I looked at Kacie and asked her if she was ready to get married yet, because I was as giddy as a school kid on his last day of school before summer vacation. Kacie smiled lovingly at me even though I could see the hurt in her eyes, and that they were red and slightly puffy from her crying, and I knew they were tears over me.

But I was thinking too positively for anything to break me down right now, I had all my loved ones with me, and I was about to be the husband of the best girl I ever met. The priest came back into the room and stood up at the end of the bed and asked if everyone was ready for our private wedding. I came out and told him I was definitely ready, as I gave Kacie's hand a lil squeeze, then I slowly got out of the bed and I was all dressed up in a nice outfit when I removed the blankets and told her I wasn't going to get married while laying in no damn bed, then I wrapped her up in the blanket and when I gently spun her out of it, she was in a very adorable dress.  

I handed the ring from my wallet to JD to hang onto until it was time to put it on her finger, Kacie had a blank look on her face, because she forgot all about the ring...Klayton however, snuck up behind her and handed her a men's wedding band without anyone noticing, and just to cover up his actions he laid a whopping kiss on her, then jokingly said now she could get married to my crazy ass. The priest made the speech short sweet and simple because he knew I was slightly weak and couldn't stand very long, but I made sure I had plenty of energy for it. Before I knew it, the priest was telling us the main vows and asking us to exchange rings, then my ever so favorite part, that it was time for me to kiss my bride. I loved that part so much that I did it quite a few times before it was over with.

After the ceremony part was over with I sat back down on the bed as Kacie and I both signed our wedding license so the priest could have it officialized in the government office and he was in quite a hurry to leave so we could be legally husband and wife for all to know. Johnny was a very happy camper now because he was calling out the word mommy over and over again as he ran around in a circle in the room giggling wildly. My son was such a ham, and everyone that met him fell in love with him, and why wouldn't they, he was cute as a button, smart as a whip, and more charming than I was. I couldn't sit up anymore so I laid back down but I never let go of my wife's hand, and I bet I told her I loved her at least a hundred times in the last 5 minutes. 

Klayton and my brother's congratulated us, then Klayton stepped out of the room so he could take his phone call that he was secretly waiting for. He talked very quietly with the person on the other line for close to 20 minutes before he rushed out of the hospital and into JD's car and peeled out of the parking lot like his ass was on fire. I looked out the window and asked where he was off to in such an all-fired hurry, then I looked at Kacie and said surely me marrying her didn't piss him off that much. Kacie smiled at me but honestly, she didn't have an answer for me, because Klayton never mentioned anything to her, a matter of fact, he didn't mention anything to anyone of his sneaky plot in an attempt to save me from my terrible fate.

Klayton drove to the outskirts of the city where he met up with an older woman dressed in black. He handed her a suitcase of cash, and she handed him an organ transporting container the had a very important organ inside it. He gave her a hug and thanked her for everything, and that it really was for saving an incredible person, that many people in the world will thank her for help saving. Klayton jumped back into JD's car and made a beeline back to the hospital where he handed the container to Dr. Chan and told him to hurry up and work his miracle before his brother got any worse. Then he ran all the way down the hall just to get back into my room to tell me that he had one helluva awesome wedding present for both me and Kacie and that if it worked I could thank him later. 

None of us got what he was saying until Dr. Chan and Lucy came into the room telling me they were ready to perform the heart surgery on me, whenever I was ready to get rid of my virus. My entire family cheered and displayed tears of happiness at the thought of me being saved, Kacie, on the other hand, didn't have any words at all, only tears of pure relief. I hopped into the wheelchair as I told Lucy comically to wheel me to the operating table because I was so ready to have energy and strength and to get out of that fucking hospital bed once and for all. As I was being wheeled out I grabbed Klayton on my way out of the door and told him that in order for this thing to work, I needed his ass coming too, because he was my personal blood bank. Klayton chuckled wickedly as he said things that he did for his lil brother. 

After six grueling hours and me being heavily sedated they managed to remove the poisoned heart and replaced with a very healthy heart. Klayton lay beside me in a separate bed donating plenty of fresh new blood into my veins while I slept. Kacie and my family never left my side before during or after the surgery, and when I finally woke up the first thing I saw, was Kacie holding onto Johnny welcoming me back with big smiles and tears of happiness. Dr. Chan came into the room with great news, the virus was defeated and I was going to be just fine thanks to Klayton and his small miracle, and the love and strength of the ones that loved me.

This was it my fight for life was now over with, and my continuations of living happily with my new life and new wife, I was going to live every moment like it was my last...because after what I went thru, that was as close as I ever wanted to get to death for at least another 30 or 40 years. So out with the final chapter of my old novel and into the beginning of my new novel...Criss Angel survivor was going to begin...but that story is for another time. Until then dream believe and achieve. Never stop believing or fighting and the strength of love will surely save you. 

*Love Lives Forever*

~Then End~

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