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3 years later


"Luka? are you doing something right now? I need some help" juleka called as I followed her to the kitchen. "Is everything allright? You seem... exhausted." She looked right into my eyes. "No... I mean yes. I was just thinking about someone.."-"Marinette again?" She asked. "Yes.. I wonder how she is doing. I don't saw her for the past 3 years. She must be in her 20's right now.."
Juleka stared at me in a sad way. "You already know that you can't see her Luka... we are still relegated."
I was even more frustrated than before and just looked out of the window. "I just can't stop thinking about her. You know how much i love her." I rested my hands on the windowsill. "So... maybe there is a chance to see her.." I immediately turned around. "What are you talking about?" I said a little louder than it was planned. "There will be a mask ball in the palast of the dupain cheng family tomorrow." I smiled. "That's perfect! If I have a mask on there is now way they'll recognize me! Thank you, Juleka!" I pulled my sister right in my direction and hugged her. "Thank you so much, Juleka!" Some tears run down from my eyes and I felt happier than ever. I don't saw Marinette for a long time and since we were relegated after my father caused a lot of trouble in the kingdom, I wasn't allowed to visit her. I kissed my sisters cheek and went to my room to search for something I could use as a mask.
Lately I ended up thinking about my sweetheart Marinette again. Since we were relegated we life in a really small house in a city near Paris. So there is me, my mother and my younger sister Juleka. Me and Juleka are the ones earning money since, after what happened, no one trusts my mum anymore. I just grabbed my jacket and told Juleka that I'll go to the market. I went through the city and bought something for dinner. I walked around Paris even if I'm not allowed to be here. I realized that there was a really weird silence around me way to late. "Isn't  it Luka Couffaine?" Someone whispered. I'm dead. I am so dead. I just looked behind me and saw some police officers in front of my. "You are not allowed to be here young man" one of them said. "Is that so?" I answered. "I think you just mistake me, officer." I grinned and just started to run. What is their problem? I don't even did anything. One of them followed me and I don't even knew where I was. He came closer and I couldn't run any faster. When he was nearly close enough to reach me I ran around a corner and someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into a narrow alley. "Don't make any noise!" She said.

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