Chapter Five - Get Out Of My Head

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Tweek's POV

The door burst open and Craig came through. I frowned and Kenny stood up.

"Back off Tucker," Kenny warned.

"I'm not here to cause trouble. McCormick." He said in a mimicking tone. He spotted me and psuhed past Kenny.

I whimpered as he came closer to me. I winced even though I didn't fell anything.

"Look Tweek, I want to apologize-"

"APOLOGISE?! YOU LEFT HIM IN THE FUCKING SNOW! HE GOT FROST BITE AND ALMOST FROZE TO DEATH!" Kenny yelled but it wasn't very effective due to his hood.

"Shut up." Craig glared at Kenny then turned his attention back to me. "Tweek, I'm going."

"Wh-what?" I choked out.

"I'm going. I'm moving to Florida. I've caused you too much pain... I'm...I'm sorry." He spat out. My eyes became soft.

"Bullshit." I heard Kenny mutter I ignored it.

I felt a lump in my throat as I saw Craigs eyes watering.

"You really me-mean it?" My voice barely a whisper. "Your really sorry?"

He nodded and sniffled. I hugged him and Kenny was just standing there looking amused. Craig smiled a bit at me and I smiled a bit at him. I looked into those dark blue orbs he owned and he looked into my muddy brown ones. He slowly began moving his head closer and I froze on the spot. I heard footsteps and saw Craig being pulled away from me, Kenny was pushed him out of the room.

"Not today lover boy. Not ever!" Kenny yelled before slamming the door. I looked at him and he gave me a 'what?' look. I shook my head and got off the hospital bed. There was a knock on the door and Kenny opened it.

"Look Kenny..." I heard Craig's deep voice. "I know we're not on... Good terms, but heres a cupcake for you, and a cupcake for you." He handed Kenny and I cupcakes.

"Thanks Craig," I smiled. He smiled back. Kenny frowned. I nudged him and he sighed.

"Thanks Craig..." He mumbled. "You can fuck off now."

"Kenny." I looked at him, both eyebrows raised. He just pushed past Craig and walked off.


Kenny's POV

"Kenny!" I heard a voice from behind, I looked around and saw Craig, I frowned and pulled my hood down.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely.

"I just want us to be friends before I leave," he said. Yeah... Right.

I rolled my eyes as he stuck his hand out. I hesitated but eventually shook it.

"Bye Kenny," he said before hugging me, I didn't hug back. He pulled away and walked towards his house.


I walked towarss Tweek's house and his mother opened. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Oh hi Kenny," she smiled and let me in, "Tweek's upstairs in his room."

I nodded and ran upstairs, my hood bouncing up and down.

I knocked on the door and he answered, "Hey Tweek."

He frowned and shut the door. I stared at the door as she force blew my hair a bit. I knocked again but it didn't open, instead a voice spoke.

"G-Go away Kenny! Your just going to leave me again! I had to tell my parents to pick my up!" He sounded hurt. I sighed and knocked on the door. He wouldn't answer.

"Tweek, I do care about you, I was just mad... Just let me in. I'm not the one to beg but... Please... Please let me in Tweek."

"ARG! No." He replied. I sighed.

"Then I guess there's no point in me being here."

"Gue-guess there's not," he replied bluntly. I frowned and walked down the stairs.

"Motherfucker," I mumbled.


I entered my run down home to reveal my mom and dad fighting like bitches, my brother drinking and my sister weeping on the couch. I sighed and walked over to her.

"Karen, what's wrong sweetie?" I said with my softest voice.

"Mo-mom and dad are arguing and da-dad called me a bi-bitch," my fourteen year old sister sobbed. My eyes widened.

I carried her bridal style upstairs and sat her on her bed. I kissed her forehead and she smiled a bit.

"Ke-Kenny," she stuttered.


"Do mom and dad love me?"

I clenched my jaw. "Of course they do..." I trailed off. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight Kenny."

"Goodnight Karen."


I sat in my room and felt a rumble in my stomach. I clutched it as it began to hurt. I groaned and lyed down hoping the pain would go away, it didn't. Sighing, I slowly fell asleep.

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