Chapter Six - Sucking My Insides

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Author's Notes:

The chapter title sounds really gross XD! It isn't, theres no smut in this chapter and there probably wont be any time soon...


Tweek's POV

I locked myself in my room and stared at the ceiling for an hour or two. I heard my name being called and looked to the door.

"TWEEK!" The voice called... My mother.

"YE-YEAH?!" I yelled back.

"Mrs McCormick wants to talk to you, she says it's an emergency." She responded. I scrambled out of bed and dashed out of my room, tumbling down the stairs. I went to the house phone and my mom passed me the phone.

"He-hello?" I spoke.

"Hi...It's Kenny's Mom.." She sniffled. "Ke-Kenny's in the hospital... He's.... He's sick." My eyes widened at this.

"He's what?" I twiched.

"He's sick... Somethings malfuctioning (Is that the right word?) in his stomach." She said and I heard a litte girl cry in the background.

"I'll be th-there s-soon." I said hanging up. I breathed heavily and ran to the hospital in my pyjama's.


I rushed into the hospital and saw Mrs McCormick, Karen McCormick and Kevin McCormick... No sign of Mr McCormick. I ran up to them and tapped Kenny's moms arm.

"Hey... Hey Tweek."

"Is he okay?" I went straight to the point.

"I-I'm afraid n-not. Something...Somethings inside him.. The doctors say it could be a maggot eating his intestines-" I cringed as she said this. "But they also say something he ate could be causing this. But I doubt food could cause this." She laughed nervously. "You... You don't th-think my food could've killed him r-right?"

"Of.. Of course not." I assured her although, deep down I was thinking it could've been her food. Or even... Craig's cupcake... No, Craig wouldn't try and kill someone would he?


I sat next to Kenny's hospital bed and felt a tear fall down my eye. I looked over at Kevin who looked like he didn't g-give to sh-shits then I looked over at Karen who was crying her eyes out along with her mother.

"I...I hate god." I heard her mumble.

"WHAT?! Karen McCormick! You do not say that ever!" Her mom yelled.

"But.. Mom... Maybe he's not real, I-I mean if he was, why doesn't he answer our prayers and take us out of poverty? Why does Kenny have to be in this state... He's such a good person." She reasoned with Mrs McCormick, the girl does have a point.

"We-well just pray.."

She sighed dramatically and I turned to Kenny. He hasn't moved and his heart is getting weaker by the second. I cried a bit and excused myself from the room. I exited and took a deep breath.

"Why Kenny... Why?" I said blinking the tears away. I walked back into the room and sat next to Kenny's bed putting Karen on my lap.


The nurse walked in and had a glum look on her face.

"Mrs McCormick," she called. Kenny's mom looked at the nurse with hope in her eyes.


"Your son is dead," she said emotionless. I gasped and Kenny's mom broke out in tears along with me and Karen.

I cried loudly and ran out of the hospital.

Kenny's dead. He's gone. I cried and cried

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