Chapter Eleven - You Can't Undo The Past

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Tweek's POV

I've been avoiding Craig all day today. I just couldn't talk to him right now, especially after he sent me that picture of me and him naked. Why the fuck does he have that. I sighed and took a bite out of my sandwitch and a sip of my coffee.

"So Kahl, I heard your brother had sex before you did." Eric teased. I rolled my eyes and looked at Kyle.

"Fuck you!" Kyle retorted.

"Shut your fucking face Uncle Fucker!" Cartman sang.

"Oh no not this again," Token said face palming himself.

"Your a cock sucking ass licking Uncle Fucker!" Kyle joined in.

"Oh god.." I sighed and left tthe caferteria. I sat at my locker with Token and Clyde. I heard footsteps but ignored them until they stopped right infront of me. I gulped and looked up. Craig...

"Uh... We need to go.. Uh-"

"Sing in the caferteria," Token lied covering up for Clyde. I frowned as the two scurried off into the chaotic caferteria. I shook my head and heard Craig chuckle.

Play Song in the background

"Hey Tweek," he smirked.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. My breath was hitched in my throat and Craig sat next to me. I choked on my breath and he chuckled.

"Tweek, I know you've been avoiding me... But I'll let that slide this one time." He smirked. I slowly nodded as he placed his hands on my cheeks and cupped them. A tear fell from my eye and he wiped it away. "I love you Tweek." He mumbled before kissing my lips. Our lips connected and I instantly got lost in them. It was like I was in a completely different universe.

I kissed back and it turned into a full out make-out session, I pulled away and grassped for air. He smiled and I smiled a little once I caught my breath.

"Tweek... Will you take the honor of being my boyfriend?" Craig asked smiling with a look of hope in his eyes. I just looked at him and smiled.

"Yes... Yes Craig..." I smiled.


Two Months Later

It'ts the been two months since Craig and I started dating, everyone was happy with it, well except Eric. Right now, Stan, Wendy, Kyle, Lola, Clyde, Red, Nicole, Token, Craig and I were at my coffee shop.

"No PDA in my shop kids," my dad joked referring to Wendy and Stan while walking up to our table with a trey of coffee. We all chuckled while Wendy and Stan blushed. I smiled and kissed Craig's cheek and he smiled.

"What you guys wanna do because it is Saturday and we need to have as much fun as possible," Nicole stated.

"We could go harrass the goth kids," Craig suggested.

"You just love harrassing people don't you," I joked.

"Yep, especially you." He smirked making me blush deep red.

"Dude, sick." Kyle gagged and Lola giggled resting her head on his shoulder.

"Why don't we go to the mountains?" Clyde suggested.

"No way dude. I'm not running into those freak animal critters again." Stan shruddered making everyone laugh.

"Wasn't that just Fatass' dumbass story?" Kyle asked.

Stan did a 'kinda' face "Well it did happen, then I told him and he wrote about it."

Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Do you guys wanna go to... The park?" Red shrugged.

"Dude, we do that all the time." Token reminded Red.

"Let's go to my house, my parents are on holiday after all," Wendy said ad everyone stared at her, eyebrows raised. "What?" She looked at us weirdly.

"Your parent's aren't home... Yet you don't tell us?" Lola says. Wendy shakes her head and we head out.


Craig's POV

We were all at Wendy's house, Lola and Kyle on the couch making out ontop of each other, Token and Nicole giggling and cracking up, Wendy and Stan making out on the floor, Clyde and Red just talking because their 'Not in a serious relationship yet' and Tweek and I drinking coffee.

"I know, let's play Spin The Bottle, Kissing edition!" Lola cried pulling away from Kyle.

"YAY!" All the girls shrieked while all the guys just looked at them weirdly.

We all sat in a circle order: Me, Tweek, Kyle, Clyde, Nicole, Red, Lola, Token, Wendy then Stan next to me.

"Who's first?" I ask.

"You," Wendy smirked. I nod and spin the empty wine bottle. I spins for quite a while until it lands on someone... Other than Tweek. I feel him tense as it lands on-

Ooo! It's a hanger! Who do you think it lands on? Lola? Red? Wendy? Nicole? Maybe even one of the guys.

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