Chapter Fifteen - Oh Happy Days

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OMG! I just want to thank everyone who's reading! I can't believe this book has almost 750 reads! And I aslo can't believe it has 77 votes! Thank you so much to everyone who's reading! Thank you! Thank you so much! I hope this book can bet to 1k reads by the end of November :)

Anyways.. On with the story :)

Craig's POV

I left the police station this morning and Tweek didn't tell me anything, I'm starting to wonder if he's slowly losing it. There's something wrong with him. I just hope I can bust him out before he goes completely insane.

Unknown POV

Kenny was just my first victm, my victm list will just keep growing. Stan, Kyle and Wendy are next. I smirked to myself and walked to Stan's house, I knew Wendy and him were probably having sex so I decided to pay them a visit. I knocked on the door and Sharon answered.

"Hello Mrs.Marsh," I smiled innocently.

"Oh, hi, Stan and Wendy are upstairs, Stan said their going to be playing computer games, you can go join them. I was just leaving to go get some groceries." She informed me.

"Oh why thank you Mrs.Marsh." I replied as she let me in. I walked up the stairs and I stood outside of Stans room and stared at the door. I hadn't quite thought how I was going to kill them yet. I took my knife out of my pocket and knocked on the door.

"Ugh!" I heard Wendy groan. Bitch. 

The door opened and Stan was there, half-naked. I smirked, my knife in hand. He eyed the knife then eyed me.

"Dude. The fuck?" He looked at me blankly.

"Hello Stan."

"Who is it?" I heard Wendy ask.

"Why do you have a knife?" Stan said completely ignoring Wendy. This caught her attention and she instantly ran up to face me and her expression dropped.

"FUCK YOU STAN!" I yelled before jabbing the knife in his heart.

"AHH!" Wendy screamed at the top of her lungs. I smirked and watched as blood trickled out of Stan's chest, he had fallen into Wendy's arms making her even more nausous. I saw her getting dizzy and she fainted, hitting her head on the corner of the desk. I saw a pool of blood circle around her head and dusted off my gloves.

"My work here is done." I smiled, but then I just remembered.. Mrs.Marsh.. If she sees the knife if Stan's chest, she'll know it was me. "Shit!" I cursed. I took the knife out of Stan's body and had an idea. In the fourth grade, I was writing fake notes pretending to be Stan and I perfected his handwriting.. I wrote a note.


Craig's POV (Before Stan and Wendy were killed)

"Bye Stan, bye Wendy?" Lola, Kyle, Red and I all said in unison.

"Bye you guys," they waved as they walked to Stan's house.

"Have you guys seen Clyde anywhere?" Red asked. We all shook our heads and as we were walking along the road, we saw Cartman.

"Shouldn't you dweebs be in school?" He asked.

"We should ask you the same thing," Kyle stepped forward.

"Well Jew, I was just visiting Tweek at the station, I heard he got arrested so I decided to go and make fun of him. Anyways, school finishes now. And Red, Clyde's probably cheating on you with Wendy, he doesn't want a whore like you anymore," he sneered.

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