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I need some air. I look at Rachel and mime that I'm going outside. She nods. I don't need to explain she knows why. I swear she can read my mind sometimes. I turn to Karim and say "I'm just going out for some fresh air" with a half smile. As I get up he brushes his hand against mine and smiles.

"Okay. I'll order you some cola for when you come back"

"Thank you" I reply and walk outside.

I take a long and deep breath in. Maybe we should spend time apart to figure things out? I think that's a good idea. I think I'll say that. I think that's the fairest option. For Phil.

"Hi.. I think we need some time apart to figure things out y'know.. I'll text you or call you when I've figured things out. Okay." I let out a deep breath as I press send. I feel a small tear run down my face. I wipe it away and take a deep breath of cool air.

How am I going to eat here when I don't actually eat. Eating in public makes me feel sick, just the thought makes me feel sick. I'll go in and make some excuse that I feel sick or something and go home. Yes that's what I'll do. But just as I think about going back inside I feel a gentle touch on my waist.

I turn my head swiftly to see who it is. Karim. "Oh hi" I say nervously.

"Are you alright? You've been out here for a while?"

He looks really concerned. What do I say?

"Urm yeah I'm fine.."

He still has his arm around me and his hand on my waist. I feel my cheeks fill with blush.

"I know your lying. You can tell me y'know. I'm not a murderer y'know" he says and laughs through his nose.

"Well I've only known you for about an hour so I can't be too careful" I laugh a little and rest my head on his shoulder. I hope he doesn't notice that I'm blushing.

"I'd rather get a pizza later because restaurants are boring. So do you wanna go somewhere?" He raises his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah. Let's go!" I say with an American accent.

"I'll text Jason so they know that we've gone" he says with a mischievous smile. he pulls out his phone and texts Jason.

"Wait where are we gunna go?" I ask.

He turns to me and dangles car keys right in front of my face. "Jason wanted me to drive them here and I've still got his keys" he laughs.

"Wait how are they getting home?"

"Don't worry Patty has his car" he says and runs to Jason's car. "are you coming then?" And gestures to the car.

I skip to the car and jump in to the passenger seat. I turn to say something to him but I stop myself. I stop just to admire him. I'm blushing again. I feel like a school girl with a crush. I feel this might lead to a lot more than just a crush. A lot more.

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