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The pulsing bass and flashing lights were enough to make anyone want to cover their ears and close their eyes. I was beginning to regret coming out here. It had been a while, Louis was right. In that time though I guess I forgot what going out to a club felt like. There were some things that would always be the same though. The girls would always be hot and desperate, the music would pound through your skull, and the alcohol always sucked until you were too drunk to notice.

My friends were somewhere off in the distance. I could hear Louis shouting and pumping up the crowd somewhere off in front of me. I had spotted Niall at the bar with some blonde girl. She was pretty hot, from what I could see anyways. It was when I was stumbling towards the bar, not because I was drunk but because maneuvering through a crowd of tightly packed people was harder than it sounds, that I first saw her. I only caught a glimpse really. Dark hair, nearly black, that hung down her back in ringlets. She had perfectly creamy, smooth looking skin. The dress she wore wasn't nearly as revealing as I would have liked but just as fitted. The dark blue, lace dress frilled out and hit her knees but was strapless, showing off her long arms. In her hand was a blue fruity drink.

I was going to tap on her shoulder, get her to turn around. She looked fuckin great from behind but who knows what the front looked like. Just as I was about to reach out and touch her she glided effortlessly back into the crowd, heading for a couple of tables.

Mentally cursing myself I ordered one shot after another as I scanned the crowd looking for her again. She had disappeared after she dove back into the crowd but someone that beautiful shouldn't be too hard to find. As the night wore on though, or maybe it didn't take that long, it was hard to judge time with all the flashing lights, no windows, and the intoxicating energy in the room, I didn't see her again. Scowling at the fact that I had missed my chance I slipped into the crowd of thrashing bodies in search of Louis. Of course he was in the certain of it all. His dark hair was bouncing up and down and he had this crazy smile plastered across his face.

"Louis!" I shouted. He turned, more like jumped, my way grinning like mad.

"Zayn! My man!" He cried out. He wasn't drunk. Or maybe he was. It was hard to tell with Louis because him drunk was exactly how he acted normally. This time he wasn't actually drunk though. He just had an insane amount of energy.

"Where's the rest of the boys!" I shouted at him. Louis didn't seem to be paying me much attention. There was a dark haired girl that had captured his eye but when he turned back to me he answered my question.

"Niall is down by the bar last I saw. He was talking up some girl. I slipped something in her drink for him." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Niall was not going to be happy. He might even be a bit distraught if she passed out on him.

"Dick move man!" I shouted back. Louis rolled his eyes.

"Liam was in the back with Harry! They were sulking!" I smirked. Harry isn't much of a partier and Liam isn't either. He just comes to drink.

"Okay! Don't do something stupid!" I shout at him as I begin weaving my way back through the crowd. Louis grins and let's out an animalistic cry that is echoed back to him by the crowd surrounding him. I roll my eyes again and head for the bar.

Sure enough there sits Niall with a pretty blonde. Birds of a feather flock together. I thought to myself. I patted him on the shoulder as I passed. Niall just grinned. As I continued to make my way through the crowd a similar dark haired girl to the one I had seen earlier came into view. She was clearly drunk off her ass but what surprised me the most was that she flung her arms around me like I was her best friend.

"Hi! You're hot and I'm drunk wanna make out?" She didn't have to ask me twice.

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