Mission: UA!✨

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It all started when Mob's sensei, Reigen Arataka, called unexpectedly Mob in for work a third time. Mob had told him a million times not to do so, yet he obeyed his master's calling. As he walked down the streets of Salt City, he noticed a strong presence, something of an esper's, but this seemed different.  It was very powerful with a malicious aura; that not of an evil spirit, but an evil esper. . . The presence soon disappeared, and Mob headed once again towards his sensei's place once again.

* * * * *

"Mob! Thank goodness you're here. I have a mission for you." Reigen said excitedly.

"Is this like the time you said you have a mission, and just sent me to take out the trash?" Mob muttered in his usual monotone voice.

"No Mob, how dare you! This is much more important! Now listen closely . . ."

Mob didn't actually think it was serious. Coming from his sensei, it would probably mean taking out more garbage bags than the usual. Reigen was a pretty chill person, one that Mob had grown up to respect for his social skills. He was a smooth talker; he won every argument, and he used his ability to help others. He taught Mob the right way to use his powers after all. However, his sensei could be a little . . . well lazy, as Mob put it.

"Mob, you need to go to Musutafu. There is an important mission I can only entrust to you."

". . . you want taiyaki, don't you?"

"Mob! This is serious. You need to go to Musutafu. I want you to go undercover as a sophomore in a school called UA High. There is a spirit that needs vanquishing. Unfortunately, as you have seen on our previous missions, my high school disguise doesn't work somehow. . ."

"But sensei, what about my current school? I mean, I need to maintain my—"

"I've already made all the arrangements Mob. Don't worry about a thing. Oh, I've talked to your brother as well. He's coming with you and enrolling as a freshman so you wouldn't have to be so lonely."

"But Ritsu is on the student council, be can't just—"

"Someone will take over his position until then. Mob, listen to me. This is a very important mission. You can't fail under any circumstances, or the very world is at stake.
Go home for the day and rest. Their entrance exam is very tough, so I want you to get at least 10 hours of sleep."

Mob sighs. This seemed crazy, even for his master. "But sensei, what's the mission?"

"There is a very powerful, evil esper lurking in that area. When you detect him, message Ritsu and run after him."

". . ."

"Now go rest. Tomorrow will be a . . . peculiar, day."

"Hai." Mob turns around, leaves, and walks to his house.

Mob looks at his surroundings. Just when would he be able to see this scenery again? Did his master really make all the arrangements? How did Ritsu even agree to this?

In the end, Mob decided to go. He would go to UA High with Ritsu, enroll as a sophomore, defeat the esper, and come back, simple as that. He didn't know what the highschool was like, and he was worried about being bullied again, yet he needed to stay focused on the mission if he wants to get back safe and sound.

He arrived home. He walked towards his room and throwed himself to bed. He turned over and in his closet he saw a gray suit with black lines and black pants. Was that the UA uniform? Mob once again thrashed in bed until he fell asleep.

Just what kind of school was that?

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