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Guys, I'm sorry, but I decided to change the first class 1B pairing. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu will be with Ibara Shiozaki. . . (Deku and Uraraka will be competing against them!)
I'm sorry, I already edited the last chapter, please keep reading!

Also, in the previous chapter, @Danielamamadas-chan asked if this was going to be a gay story.

My answer: No. [I don't want to answer anything else because I don't want to give spoilers 🤗 (though I could probably shove some Tododeku in there...)]



When the guy with red and white hair asked me to be his partner, I accepted. I mean, it couldn't hurt, right? It was nice of him, but he seemed like a very quiet guy. . .

He told me to wait where I was standing, and he walked towards All Might to get the results. After an exchange of words, he walked towards me and said:

"Hey. We got Neito Monoma and Itsuka Kendo, whoever they are." The guy called "Todoroki" said to me. I also had no idea who our opponents were, but I thought Todoroki would know them by now.

"You don't even know what they look like?" I asked.

"Well, I know Monoma is blonde, because he always screams, "Class 1A, you suck!" And I'm used to seeing him. Now, I learned to avoid blondes." Todoroki said cooly.

"Oh. By the way, I'm sorry about tossing you out of the line, that time. Did I hurt you?" I moved my hair out of my face.

"Don't apologize. And no." Todoroki sounded bored. I wonder why people founded apologizing weird here. Where they used to being hurt?

"Ah! Okay! Sor—" Todoroki glared at me. "Whoops!" I put my hands in my mouth.

Todoroki sighed. "Come on. Let's train. It'll be good practice for the competition."

"O—oh. Okay!"

Deku POV

When All Might said we were going to compete against Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki, I almost had a heart attack. They both liked class 1A, but they can be very straightforward when they have a clear goal.

I rambled. "What?! Sh— shiozaki got 4th place in the entrance exam, hence making her the 1st in her class. Not only that, but her quirk, Vines is very powerful. . . Also Tetsutetsu is very good at close combat, and he got 7th place in the entrance exam, but that makes him 3rd—"

Uraraka shook me. "Deku! You're mumbling again!"

"Huh?" I stopped myself, and put my hands to my mouth, blushing. "Sorry!"

"Nah, it's okay. But what are we going to do about that combo? It's going to be really hard to beat!" Uraraka huffed.

"Yeah. . . they might as well be the strongest team in class 1B. Hmm. . ." I grinned. "I think I have a plan!"



I stood there, watching, as Todoroki launched himself forward with a battle cry, fire engulfing his left arm. I flicked my finger sideways, and Todoroki flew against a wall. Scratches all over his body, he stood up, ready to fight. We had been doing this over 3 hours now, it was 9:00 p.m., and tomorrow was the tournament.

"Hey, you should get those treated. It's late—" Todoroki attacked with a wall of ice and I blew it up with telekinesis, "—we should get some rest."

"I—" he struggled to stand up (I carried him on my back). "I want to win—" And with that, he passed out from exhaustion.

I sighed, and ran towards the nurse's office. Recovery Girl thanked me, and told me to get some rest. I thank her, and ran back to the boy's dorms.


The boys dorm was a wreck.

People playing videogames, eating chips, screaming out memes, and a weird grape-headed pervert. So this is what normal boys do at 10:00 p.m.

I thought of what Master told me. He warned me that this was going to be a very dangerous mission. I remember him saying, "Mob, If they tell you to fight against each other, use your powers. Otherwise, you'll get hurt and blow your cover, and the world will be at stake."

I walking towards my room, when I suddenly saw a shadow go inside a superhero-looking room (basically All Might).

Inside, was a boy, with a green head, was scribbling on his desk, and mumbling. I wonder was he was doing? The shadow proceeded to grow and grow. . .


"AHH!!!" He screamed, "Mob, you scared me. What is it?"

"Get out. It's for your own safety."

"What?" The evil spirit's presence faded.

"Oh." I sighed, and left the room.

Now we await Competition Day.

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