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Todorokis pov

    class ended and I walked over to mics desk. "I need to grade these couple Papers then we will leave okay todoroki" he says then looks up at me. His expression went from happy to concerned. "What happened to your eye" crap I forgot to reapply foundation after we did sparing.

    "I don't want to talk about it" I say in a quiet voice

    "look I'm not gonna force you to talk about it. (He learned his lesson after Midoriya yelled at him) but aizawa will want to know, and so will Midoriya"

    "I know" I don't want to tell them what happened, aizawa knows my home situation and has been very supportive but I don't want him to see this. Mic finished grading the papers and got up.

    "well let's go todoroki" he heads out the door and I follow him. We go outside and get into his car. "Does your dad know your coming over?" He questioned me

    "I told fuyumi to tell him I was at a study session with aizawa" I replied. He looked at me and smiled. He started the car and we headed to his house. I was excited to see Midoriya, I hope he's doing well. After about 20 minutes we get to his place and pull into the garage. We get out and mic unlocks the door and walks in.

    "SHOTA, MIDORIYA WHERE HOME" he yells. I hear footsteps then see a casual aizawa.

    "hello sweetheart" he says giving mic a quick kiss. "And please lower your voice, Midoriya is sleeping" mic nodded. Aizawa turned to me and looked me in the eyes. "What happened to your eye todoroki" he said.

    "I don't want to talk about it"

    "was it your dad ?" I didn't answer him. "It was wasn't it, your staying here tonight and tomorrow I'll talk to nedzu to see what we can do for you okay" I nod my head In Response. "Well follow me" he starts walking so I follow him. We go into a nice room with blue walls. I look around then see Midoriya in bed. "I took him to the doctors today and they gave him a bunch of meds" he says motioning to the dresser full of meds. "Of course he took the wrong one at the wrong time but it won't hurt him, instead it just made him pass out since it was for his insomnia" I look at him shocked.

    "I didn't know he had insomnia"

    "he has a lot of things we didn't know he had" he paused for a moment " todoroki what can you tell me about the bandages on Midoriyas arms" he looks at me with pain in his eyes. I sit down at the end of Midoriyas bed.

    "he hurts himself" I say quietly.

    "I thought so, well you can stay in here and wait for him to wake up if you want, I'll call you when dinners ready" he says then leaves. I look at Midoriya, he looks so peaceful. I notice the bags under his eyes. Where they always there. Maybe he covered them up. I grabbed his hand and brushed his hair out of his face. He was so cute. I laid down next to him and pulled him close to me, soon after he started cuddling into my chest. I never wanted this moment to end. I look down at him as his eyes flutter open. They look duller than usual.

    "t-todoroki" he says quietly

    "hey, how do you feel"

    "like c-crap" he snuggles closer to me and I play with his hair.

    "I'm gonna stay here tonight okay" he looks up at me with bright eyes.

    "really, that's great"

    "Yeah" I bury my head in his hair. I feel myself slowest drift into sleep knowing that Midoriya is also sleeping.

Aizawas pov

I go into Midoriyas room to tell them dinners ready. I walk in and there cuddled up to each other sleeping. I quietly leave and go find hizashi. "Babe" I say and he looks up at me. "Come here" he gets up and follows me to Midoriyas room. "Should we wake them?"

"let them sleep, they can eat later I guess" he whispers

"yeah your right, but Midoriya needs to take his meds" he looks at me with worry in his eyes

"how many meds does he have to take?"

"5 different ones, 1 for his insomnia, 2 for anxiety and 2 for depression."

"I hope he gets better, I can't stand to see him like this"

"I know" I walk into the room and genially shake Midoriya trying not to wake todoroki, but of course the both open there eyes. "Midoriya you need to take your meds, also dinners ready" I say and leave the room. I go to the kitchen and grab 4 bowls and put them on the table. Shortly after todoroki and Midoriya walk into the dining room and sit down. Hizashi is the last one to sit down because he was taking a shower, on a normal day he wouldn't do his hair unless he had hero work, but since he subbed for me at school he did it and needed to wash it out.

    "thank you for the food" todoroki says to me

    "hey it's no problem" we finish eating and wash our bowls. It's about 7 so I ask them if they want to watch a movie.

    "sure" they both reply. We go sit on the couch and I pick a horror movie, we don't really have any other types. I put it in then snuggle close to hizashi, who once again started braiding my hair.

Todorokis pov

    then movie starts and I can tell that Midoriya is tense. I lean over and ask him if he's alright. "I've never seen a scary movie before" he whispers. I smile and pull him closer to me. Aizawa gives me a look then goes back to watching the movie. About half way through I notice that Midoriya is sleeping, probably cause the meds are still in his system.

"aizawa" I say quietly. He looks at me and I motion to Midoriya

"let him sleep, when the movies over you can take him to bed" he says then continues watching the movie. It's about 9:30 when it's over and I pick Midoriya up and take him to his room. He's still in his clothes so I gently wake him up.

"hmm" he says without opening his eyes.

"you need to change" I say softly. He starts to get up and looks at me.

"okay" he grabs his pajamas then goes to his dresser and throws some at me. "You also need to change" I nod then head to the bathroom. Aizawa and mic have already gone to bed so I had to be quiet. I changed into the fuzzy black pants he handed me and a striped shirt. Then went back to his room. I opened the door and he had finished changing. He looked so cute. I walked up to him and grabbed his waist pulling him close to me. Then I kiss him. When we pull away he blushes then puts his head in my chest. "I love you" he says

"I love you too" we get in bed and he cuddles up close to me. I slowly drift into sleep.

I hope that was okay. It probably sucked but hey that's fine

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