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The next day

This gets sad guys

Todorokis pov

    I wake up and see Midoriya sleeping soundly next to me. I gently move him so I can get up. I check the time and it's 5:37. Why am I up so early. I get up and head to the bathroom. As I leave the room I notice the kitchen light is on. I walk in and see aizawa. "Hey" he says to me looking up from his coffee.


"why are you up so early?" He questioned

"couldn't go back to sleep, you?"

"same" he sounded stressed. I would ask him about it but I don't want to bud into his life. "Want some coffee?" He asked me.

"sure" he got up and poured some coffee then handed it to me. I sat down across from him sipping it. After a few minutes of silence I speak up. "Thanks for everything aizawa" he looked up at me.

"don't thank me kid. I just did what was right" I was about to say something when Midoriya walked into the kitchen. He looked very tired. "Good morning Midoriya" aizawa said to him. I didn't look up, instead he just walked over to me and put his head on my shoulder. Aizawa looked at me then got up. I'm guessing he went to his room.

    "hey, is everything alright" I say quietly to Midoriya.he doesn't reply again. "Midoriya are you okay".

Aizawas pov

    Midoriya walks into the kitchen and put his head on todorokis shoulder. Completely ignoring me. It's unusual for him to ignore people and I look at todoroki. He looks concerned. I get up and decide to give them privacy. Well kinda. I leave the room and eavesdrop on there conversation. I hear todoroki talking to Midoriya but he's not responding.

"IZUKU" I hear todoroki scream. I quickly run into the kitchen and Midoriya is on the floor.

"what happened" I ask todoroki.

"he wasn't responding ,I thought maybe he was just tired but then I felt his body go limp and he fell." Todoroki said quickly.

"get dressed, we'll take him to recovery girl." He looked at me then nodded. I picked up the boy and checked his pulse. He was barely alive. The commotion must have woke hizashi cause soon he was taking Midoriya from me.

"is he okay" he asked me.

"no" as I said that I could hear todoroki lightly crying. He was holding a bottle of meds. Crap. "Get in the car everyone" I say sternly. Hizashi while still carrying Midoriya gets in the front seat and todoroki gets in back. I get into the drivers seat and quickly start the car. I speed to ua and hope recovery girls there. It's about 7 so she should be. When we get there hizashi quickly runs out of the car with Midoriya, running to recovery girls office. I haven't gotten out of the drivers seat yet, I'm still in shock. I look over and see that todoroki hasn't moved either. "Hey it's gonna be okay, he will be fine" I say to try and calm him, though I don't believe it's gonna be okay. He looks at me then nods. We both get out of the car and he hands me a bottle. It was the bottle was empty and they were sleeping meds. I usher todoroki inside then we both run to recovery girls office. When we get there Midoriya is on one of the beds with tubes hooked up to him. Hizashi is in tears. And recovery girl looks very angry.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AIZAWA, YOU SAID YOU WOULD TAKE CARE OF THE BOY" she yelled at me. I was taken aback, she never yells. "Sorry, I'm just angry, if you would of waited any longer to get him here he would of-" she cut herself off when she saw that todoroki was with me. "Todoroki get out" she said. He looked at me and I nodded to him.

"go to the teachers lounge all might should be there" he nods then leaves.

"he could have died aizawa" recovery girl continued. "You know we can't let that happen" I nod my head.

"I should of kept a closer eye on him. This is why we have the students moving into the dorms though, so something like this doesn't happen again." She nods her head.

"I suggest putting locks on his windows" she says. Right about then all might comes crashing through the door.
"NOT AGAIN" he yells through tears. He rushes up next to Midoriya. "I'm not gonna loose you" he says quietly, you could barely hear him.

Midoriyas pov

I wake up in a white room. Am I dead. I try to sit up when I notice I'm connected to a bunch of tubes. I guess I'm not dead. I look over and see all might, aizawa, mic, and todoroki sleeping in chairs. How long have I been here. I don't really remember much of what happened. So why am I here. I guess someone noticed I was awake because I heard a soft voice. It was aizawa. He got up and hugged me.

"you scared us all half to death boy" he said. He sounded like he had been crying.

"w-what happened" I ask him.

"you don't remember?" He questions me. I shake my head and he sits next to me on the bed. "You where out for a week, you overdosed" he said.

"so I failed again" I say looking at him. I can feel the tears in my eyes. "I'm so weak" I say quiet enough that he can't hear me. He pulled me in for another hug.

"we were all worried about you Izuku" he used my first name. " can you tell me why you did it." He asked me. I go to say something when im interrupted by someone.

"young Midoriya your awake" I look over and see all might. Then as if on cue. Mic and todoroki wake up as well. They all rush over to me. I hate it, they dont really care do they.

"what time is it?" I ask. All might looks at me.

"it's 9:57am, why" he asks. I turn to todoroki.

"S-shoto you need to be in c-class" I say quickly.

"he's been excused from class, everyone has, since I've been here no ones been in school." Aizawa says. I nod at aizawa then feel myself about to cry again. Because I wasn't successful at killing myself everyone's education got put on hold. "Now recovery girl said that once you wake up you should be able to leave" aizawa said. "But you have to be with one of us at all times, you have been roomed with todoroki so You don't try to do this again understand." I look at him and nod. "The other students know what happened so don't be surprised if they ask you questions, now get up and get dressed." He hands me some clothes then ushers me towards a bathroom. I change then go back to recovery girls office. She's here this time.

"now Midoriya, you will need to check in with me at least twice a week, other then that your free to go" she says. We leave her office and everyone insists on taking me to the dorms. I could easily just do with todoroki but all might wouldn't have it. He said 'we need to make sure the students leave you alone for now' we walk into the dorms and todorokis holding my hand. I'm nervous. All might, aizawa, and mic are behind us and todoroki leads me to our room. Then out of no were the class starts showing up and asking questions. Aizawa shooed them away but they still kept pestering him.

"if you don't leave us alone right now I will expel everyone of you" he said to the class. That shut them up. We went up the stairs then found the room. Todoroki unlocked the door and we went in.

"now Midoriya" all might started. "Tell us what happened" I realized why they wanted to come with us to the dorms now, I'm being interrogated. But I break and tell them everything.

~time skip to after he's done talking~

"Young Midoriya I'm glad you told us. Now you should probably go talk to your classmates, there worried about you, also, mineta got expelled, so Shinsou will be on the class now." All might said. I nod my head and the pros leave. Todoroki gives me a hug and I start crying into his chest. I'm such a crybaby. After a few minutes I calm down.

"are you ready to talk to the class now?" He asks me.

"I guess so" I say.

sooooo, yeah. This is all over the place. Oops.

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