2*Zombie Cop.

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Chapter Two ::: Zombie Cop.


As I rush around my box-cluttered apartment, I ask myself over and over why I trusted Boone in the first place. It may have seemed like a sweet deal at the time, but thinking back. . . God, I was an idiot. Who needs parties, anyway? I could get a girl even if I was six feet underground.

To get there even remotely on time, I would have to leave now. But I don't even have my costume on, and I can't find the zombie decoration.

I can't even begin to explain to you how stressed I am right now. I'm running around, frantic to find the lawn object, and I'm stubbing my toe on everything in the house. I cuss under my breath and then remembering myself stuffing it in my closet a week ago.

I run and jump over stuff to get to my room, and then bust open my closet. Scaring me half to death, the ornament tumbles out from the top shelf on top of me. I don't want to admit it, but I screamed and jumped back a little bit.

Angry, I toss the zombie over my shoulder and pull my outfit out from the cluttered space.

"Cop." I say to myself. "You're a cop and cops aren't scared of zombies."

I call myself 'pathetic' as I quickly yank on the expensive outfit and slide the plastic cuffs and pistol into the belt. I do a quick look-over in the mirror before I continue my adventure to gather everything else.

By the time I"m out the door with my outfit on and bag in hand, I'm already fifteen minutes late. Boone's party is ten minutes away, so I'm still dancing to get down the stairs and on my bike. Yet, like you would guess, my stupid neighbor has to be hurrying around the corner at the same time as me. With a loud thump, we crash into each other and stumble to the ground.

I don't even bother to ask him if he's alright. I just scramble to my feet and shove my keys and Mr. Zombie back into my bag. Jeremy is still catching is breath when I exit through the doors to the stairs. My footsteps echo as I march down and out the front doors.

The night is young and chilly, and I pull my jacket further over me while walking. My breath pushes puffs of steam into the air as I speed walk to my motorcycle. Interrupting the crisp, quiet dawn, my engine sputters on as I strap my helmet on and sit myself down. While I pull out of the parking lot, I'm telling myself to only allow myself to stay as long as I have to. No more, no less.

* * * *

I pull onto Boone's street and the first thing I see is lights. It looks like a rainbow just threw up on Boone's house and then started playing blasting music. People in outrageous costumes pepper the lawn, red solo cups in their hands and beer in other's. I slow my speed down just to be safe that I don't hit anyone and try to weave through the parked cars.

"Reedus!" I hear someone bellow at me as soon as I turn my bike off. Right away, I know it's Boone.

I slide off my seat and look around for where he is. I spot him stumbling out of the front door, his arm slug over a short lady's shoulder, and then he departs from her to run towards me.

Putting on my best smile, I walk and meet him halfway. "How you been, man?!" he reeks of alcohol but I give him a quick greet.

"Good," I say, suddenly remembering the stuff he had me bring. "Oh, I brought these." I open my bag and pull out Mr. Zombie. Even though it's a stupid decoration, I've grown attached to it a bit. Part of me wants to keep it and use it to spice up my bland apartment.

"Oh, shit man. Thanks." he eyes the statue and quickly takes it from my hands. "Let's put it right over here." he mumbles, tossing the thing poorly over his shoulder. It lands next to a younger man who doesn't hesitate to pick it up and start a sick game of catch with his buddies.

I have to forget about it quick, though, because Boone is grabbing my wrist and yanking me towards the loud house. I'm still own the punch bowl, but I'm guessing that he doesn't care, so I swiftly pull it out of my bag. Me and Boone trudge up the front steps, and I take my chance to toss it in the bushes.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Boone cheers, busting through the open door.

Some of the characters fall silent, but the music still blares and there's still chatter here and there. I instantly feel my cheeks get hot with embarrassment. Everyone stares through their costumes at me and my stupid cop outfit. I feel like melting and swimming home. But I'm frozen.

"This!" Boone says, way too loud. He pats me on my chest with his hand that doesn't hold a glass of beer, and then produces a loud burp. I hold my breath as he continues. "Is Officer Reedus." he gestures limply at my clothes, and then whispers "Nice costume, mate."

I produce a fake chuckle, and continue to stand there awkwardly until someone turns the music back up and everyone goes back to dancing. I"m relieved that the moment is over, but I have no idea what to do after Boone staggers away to get another beer.

I stand there, observing all the crazy people, and fold my hands in front of me. I'm hoping no one will pay attention to me; I become a wallflower. And my plan is working until some people from out in the front lawn run into the house with a broken Mr. Zombie. I get frustrated that I wasted my time shopping for something Boone wasn't even going to use, but I don't have time to pout. The guys are already shoving the zombie head over my head as a large mask.

"Zombie Cop!" one of them cheers, slapping my back.

Just then, the song switches to another loud song. Apparently, it's a hit, since everyone erupts in yelling and shouting and it's so loud that I think I might die. The mask muffles to sounds only a little, but it's hot as hell underneath the mask.

I start to sweat. And at the same time, I'm being pushed along in a large crowd that hops up and down and shoots their fist's into the air while singing along. The only thing I can do is jump along with them even though I don't know the song.

The blasting song seems to last for hours until I get too hot to do anything else. I pull the mask off and let it fall to the floor as I catch my breath.

Everyone around me takes swings at their drinks. and it's making me thirsty. That is until one girl in a sexy police uniform struts towards me and hands me a beer. I'm not sure how to react. We are here at the same party, in close to the safe outfit (except her's is more. . . revealing,) and I'm standing here like a fat man who's never seen a girl in his life.

"Nice to meet you, Officer Reedus." she smiles at me, almost seductively, and trails her fingers lightly over my chest. Despite the heat, I get chills as she struts away with a wink. Damn. I say to myself, looking from her back to my drink.

Maybe Boone was right. Maybe I do need more action in my love life.

I make a vow to myself right then and there to go find her once I cool down. And I promise myself to make the rest of the night amazing. Make some damn good memories. I think, smiling to myself as I open my beer.

(A/N: What'd you guys think of the second chapter!? Do you like how it's in Norman's P.O.V.? Let me know in the comments!!) ~writingslayer

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