Chapter 1

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"STUPID ALARM"I yelled throwing my alarm at my wall.Lets just say im not a morning person.

I hated waking up and going to hell-i mean school.

Im in 12th grade and senior year really isnt that bad but theres alot of studying and hardwork because i want to get into a good college.

I threw myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

I stripped my clothes and hopped in the shower.I stood in the warm water for a minute just letting it soak me.Then I scrubbed my tan skin with my vanilla scented soap.I rinsed my soapy body off then moved on to my hair.I pumped some shampoo into my hand and worked it through my scalp,then i washed it out and put some leave-in conditioner in my hair.

I got out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body and then blow-drying my hair.

I opened my large closet and grabbed some black high-waisted shorts,a blue floral tank-top,and my white vans and put it all on.

I then sprayed heat protectant on my long wavy blonde hair and began straightening it.Once I achieved pin-straight hair I moved on to makeup.

I put on light foundation,then applied nude eyeshadow with eyeliner and mascara.

I then put contacts in,making my green eyes water.

I walked downstairs to be greeted by my mom and my sister.

"Goodmorning sweetie"Said my mom kissing my forhead.

"Mornin'"I replied smiling.

"Can you braid my hair like you did on Saturday?"Asked my 7 year old sister,Haley.

"Of course Hals"Thats what ive always called my sister.

I grabbed a rubber band and led her to the couch and i sat down behind her and began braiding her beautiful long blonde hair that is just like mine.

When i finished she thanked me and my mom handed me a plate with 2 waffles on it.

I thanked her and sat down at the table and devoured it.I like food okay?

I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth real quick and then I grabbed my phone,keys,and backpack and headed out to my car after saying bye to my mom and sister.

I arrived at school and put my phone in my pocket and threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked inside.

I was immediately greeted by tens of people.I guess you could say I was popular,but its only because im Vine "famous".

I found my best friend Elizabeth,or as I like to call her,Elly.

"Hey Avia!"She said hugging me."Lets hurry up to first period it starts in 3 minutes"

I nodded and we ran to first period,making it into the class right before the tardy bell rang.

5 boring classes later we were released to go to lunch and me and Elly got our disgusting school lunches and sat down at a table.

As me and Elly were talking my phone rang and I answered.


"Is this Avia Lewis?"

"Yes,whos this?"

"This is Bart Bordelon,and I was wondering if you would like to join Magcon?"

"Whats Magcon?"

"Its a 12 city tour that consists of famous Viners like you,and in each city we have a show where everyone just has fun and iteracts with fans,and then there is a VIP meet and greet after each show where you can take pictures with fans.Management pays for everything."

(sorry idk if it was exactly 12 cities but whatever fight me)

"I would love to join,I just need to ask my mom Ill call you right back"


And with that I ended the call and looked at Elly.

"What was that about?"She asked.

"I just got imvited to join Magcon"

"What the hell is Magcon?"

I explained everything to her and then called my mom and asked if I could join.Surprisingly,she said yes.

I called Bart back and he told me my flight to the first tour stop, Dallas,Texas was at 8am tomorrow morning.

We only have 1 week left of school anyways,so Im gonna finish the last week online,and ill still graduate and get my diploma.

*Skip to getting home*

It's 9pm and I just finished packing.

I took and shower and got into my pajamas and then climbed into bed,falling asleep quickly.

*skip to arriving at the airport because who cares about showering and eating*

"Flight 109 to Texas"

I got up and handed my plane ticket to the lady and took my seat.I put my headphones in,leaned back in my seat,and drifted off to sleep.

8 hours later.

"Ma'am we are about to land put on your seatbelt please"Said the flight attendant waking me up.

I did as she said and put on my seatbelt.

We landed and I got my suitcase and walked up to a group of hot boys who called me over to them.

"Youre Avia right?"

I nodded.

"We are the other members of Magcon,Bart sent us to pick you up."Said a really cute one with a tie dye shirt and a bandana.

I followed the 9 boys to their huge rover and had to sit on bandana boys lap because there werent enough seats for everyone.When I sat in his lap,the one with the beanie and dirty blonde hair seemed really upset about it.

"Im Taylor"said bandana boy blushing.

"You already know my name"I said giggling and then turning blood red.I quickly covered my face with my hands.

"No.Dont cover your face,youre cute when you blush"Taylor said removing my hands and looking into his eyes.

"Whoa are you two having a moment?" said the short blonde one sitting next to us.

"Shut up asshole"Said Taylor.

I laughed.This is going to be fun.












Hey.I hope you enjoy my story:)

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Unwanted//A Matthew Espinosa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now