Chapter 27 : The Battle

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Thanks to everyone who is reading and reviewing this ongoing story. It means a lot to me, and keeps me on track. Thanks to Onlymehere, who is beta reading and idea bouncing with me. She's been amazing, and has helped me so much :)

This chapter was a toughie to write. It was especially hard because of the action. I've found the action sequences to be the hardest by far. I really want to do the boys justice with their fighting, but I'm not a ninja, so I have to rely on my imagination and google searching for terms and techniques. Hope I did a half-way decent job.

Location : Home World

ShredderPrime got to his feet unsteadily and glared at Leo07. "Do you really think you can take me on? I am The Shredder!"

"He's got help." Leo03 declared grimly. "We'll take you down, no matter what."

Mike03 glanced over at Leo87. He was being assisted by Mike87, Leo12 and Mike12. "You'd better hope he lives."

"Or what?" ShredderPrime said haughtily. "I will destroy all of you. Your brothers will all die by my hands."

Leo07 flashed ShredderPrime a dangerous smile. "You won't come near my brothers, Shredder."

ShredderPrime made a sudden move intending to attack the distracted turtles tending to Leo87. Leo03 blocked his path and dodged a volley of blows and slashes from the sharp armour. The enemy kicked Leo03 in the face, and the turtle fell to the ground heavily. He wheezed and his green hand flew to his face in surprise and shock. Eyes tightly closed he didn't notice his antagonist bearing down upon him.

ShredderPrime raised a foot to bring down on the turtles neck in a final strike. Mike03 intercepted him, and forced him backwards with his nunchuks catching the metal spikes and driving him away from his injured brother. Leo07 jumped into the fray, wielding Leo87's blade. He spun the weapon masterfully as he closed in on their foe, his strikes powerful and deadly. Mike07 thrust from the other side, his agile movements keeping ShredderPrime responding defensively. In fact, the evildoer couldn't release a single strike, he was too busy protecting himself from the attack en mass. ShredderPrime backflipped out of the melee only to be kicked in the stomach by Mike12. The younger turtle had crept up behind the villain after helping Leo87. He grinned confidently at everyone, his smile a mile wide.

"I'm back, guys!" Mike12 laughed as ShredderPrime fell, winded. "Miss me?"

"Watch out!" Leo07 charged forward and pulled the younger turtle out of the way a second before ShredderPrime unleashed a deadly blow with his metal armour to Mike12's head. The slashing spikes connected with Leo07's upper arm leaving a bleeding gash. The older turtle gasped in pain and drew them both away from the enemy before them. He appraised his own wound critically. He had had worse. He would live.

"You saved my life, bro." Mike12's eyes were wide. "Thanks. I owe you one."

"Keep your concentration and focus, and we'll call it even." Leo07 promised with a slight smile.

Leo03 got to his feet and looked at the battle raging all around him. He had recovered sufficiently enough to rejoin the fight, and he scanned the room strategically, looking for a way of surprising their opponent. Mike03 and Mike07 had launched a double assault on ShredderPrime. Leo03 stealthily moved behind ShredderPrime's line of sight. He edged behind their adversary with a plan forming in his mind. Distracted, their foe didn't notice the turtle moving quietly towards him. Leo03 slashed out with his katana's, slicing open a deep gash on ShredderPrime's left shoulder.

"Arghh!" ShredderPrime fell backwards, his arms flailing. "Curse you!"

Mike12 joined the assault, swinging his nunchuks threateningly. ShredderPrime looked desperately around himself at his enemies. Hatred stamped his face with a chillingly cold expression. He knew he was outnumbered, possibly even outmatched. He clutched his shoulder in agony. The malefactor turned to face the turtles in a blind rage, a plan forming in his evil head. Turning suddenly, he flipped over the heads of the Mikey's and grabbed Mike12 from behind. Holding a razor sharp spike to Mike12's neck, he warned the others. "Back off, or I behead this annoying creature!"

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