A/N: Thank You!

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Oml, I can't believe we have actually reached the end of Dreamers.

First of all, I want to thank every single one of you. From the very first reader, to the most recent one, you all have made this the most incredible journey. I swear, I never would have thought that anyone would read my writing, and the support I got from all of you was absolutely mind-blowingly overwhelming. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have made my dreams come true, and I am so incredibly grateful for every single read, comment, and/or message.

Second, for the moment, I will not be continuing this story. When I started writing it I honestly had no idea where it would end, but the pieces connected and this just felt like the right sort of closure (I hope I have done justice to Ransom!). It's up to your imaginative thoughts to decide the true ending, if there is an ending. I just lead you up to it.

Third, if anybody has any feedback or questions about the story, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comments, and feel free to message me!!

ALSO, please do not be confused by the new cover!! Still the same story <3

Once again, I want to thank every single person who has made my wildest dreams come true. Ily all so so much <3

- Lola Moira
March 3, 2019

Dreamers // Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now