chapther 10: growing nervous

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Vladimir's p.o.v

TROOOO-OOOMMMMM. ehh the clock.... It's 7, she should had been down here for dinner already!!!. My nerves kicked in again unsure of what to do I pound my fist against the table causing glass of wine to spill on the white table cloth."James...get the maid to bring the girl for dinner...NOW!!!" without a word he left the room. I snapped my fingers to in waiting.

"clean this up"

" yes master" they said in unison.

Destiny's p.o.v

I wanted to know what she meant about that "master's very found of you" the voice ego's in my head for a moment. Then there was a sudden knock at the door. Elisa opened the door revealing the butler. "dinner is ready,we shall not keep the master waiting"

we both nodded in agreement.

butler's p.o.v

Once the young miss was in her sitting, Elisa brought dinner.

" leave us" master spoke suddenly and harshly.

Destiny's p.o v

the room grew silent. The dark figure spoked harshly to his sevents. The suppose "master" had yet to show himself to me.

he was facing the window. At this point I was almost terrified of him.....i didn't even even know him that's truly upsetting.

The butler and maid simply left without question. They simply followed they're master's orders.

Once their shadows were no longer in view within seconds. I felt moment beside me.

little light thuds filled my ears than a creak of a chair. He's sitting down now. I thought I was to scared to look at him, my heart was pounding.

"hello" his voice was hard and deep. The voice of a man that meant business.

" h-hi" I spoke neverousely " your very beautiful" he cleared his thort. "please eat, what kind of a master would I be if I let a lovely girl like u go hungry?"

hearing that I looked down at my plate, grilled vegables and chicken laid in front of me. I picked up my fork, taking a bite. " mmmmm the food is wonderful thank you". "I'm glad you like it" he simply replied. I looked around the shantaliar that was once dustie was now spotless.

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