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When he is gone, Jughead sits on the couch next to me while I pull myself into him hugging him. He hugs me back letting me relax in his arms feeling safe. I think we just sat there like that for a while until I started to fall asleep.

 I feel something push me down and I can't breathe almost like I'm drowning. I'm trying to fight back but their stronger then me, I'm trying to scream but nothing comes out of my mouth. I continue to fight back until more pressure comes over me pushing my back into the ground that feels like it on fire. I don't move letting the fire consume me while I can't breathe or move, I close my eyes and when I open them I'm in a dark bedroom. I sit up looking around the room seeing Jughead asleep on the floor next to the bed I'm on. I look to my side seeing the window facing my bedroom seeing someone looking at me through the window. I notice it's my sister sitting on my bed looking out the window staring at me. She waves at me while I stare at her, After a while of staring I stumble out of the bed stepping over Jughead and shutting the curtains hiding my sister behind them. I hear screaming coming from one of the rooms and crying, but it's soft like their trying to be quiet. I sneak out of the room closing the door behind me following the soft sobs. I reach a room, slowly opening the door seeing a sleeping crying Jellybean. I walk into the room closing the door softly behind me sitting next to her on her bed rubbing her back. 

"You're okay, It's just a dream its not real." I whisper pushing a piece of hair out of her face. She calms down a little but still is afraid when she opens her eyes looking up at me. 

"diiiid I wake you?" she asks rubbing her eyes. I shake my head starting to fondle her head.

"I had a nightmare too." I tell her, she starts to remember the dream starting to shake. "The best thing about nightmares though is that it always ends and is replaced with a dream." I tell her making her calm down, "You just got to wake up." I add making her lose all her fear. 

"Can you stay with me.." she asks me grabbing my hand. 

"I'll be here until you fall back to sleep." I assure her watching her close her eyes and her breathing get even. I sit there for a few minutes in the dark before going back to the room I woke up in. 

"Are you okay?" Jughead asks making me jump and causing him to chuckle slightly. "Are you?" He repeats siting up off the ground.

"Yeah." I respond looking down at him. "Why are you on the ground?" I ask him making him look around him. 

"I don't know, I fell asleep on the couch down stairs." he says looking up at me. 

"yeah me too," I say walking to the bed. "come here." I say patting the bed while I lay down on one side, he stands up sitting on the empty side of the bed next to me. I fall asleep shortly after he moved. The next morning I wake up alone in an empty room, the sun brings light into the room making me able to see how the room actually looks. I get up from the bed walking down the stairs seeing all four of them eating in the kitchen, I walk in seeing them smile at me. 

"how'd you sleep?" FP asks me pulling up a seat for me to sit. 

"okay." I tell him checking my phone before I sit down, someone sent me a video from yesterday of me getting whipped and what happened in the garage. I watch the video to see the whole thing happen frozen in place. Jughead's mom comes next to me looking at my phone over my shoulder.

"Who sent that to you?" she asks looking at me staring at my phone.

"I-I don't know." I stutter while my phone rings saying it's Toni. "Toni." I say into the phone walking out of the kitchen into the living room. 

"Are you okay.. that video is everywhere." she says into the phone grabbing something

"I don't know... do you know who posted it." I ask searching through my bag for a shirt to wear.

"Have no idea... do you need anything?" she asks.

"This to all end, but knowing my luck after this I'll be kidnapped by Malachai and be his sex slave." I mumble into the phone, putting it on speaker slowly changing my shirt and pants dealing with the stings coming from my back.

"does he actually do that." she questions.

"oh yeah, I'll never step foot in that bar again even if I'm pushed in." I tell her taking the phone off speaker. 

"Okay, call me if you need anything." she says into the phone before hanging up the phone. I put the phone down while FP walks into the room with his wife following him. 

"Hows your back." she asks sitting next to me. 

"amazing." I say sarcastically making them smirk at each other. "sorry force of habit." I mumble looking at the two sitting next to me. 

"it's okay, Jughead does it to." FP says looking at me, 

"Well, I'm going to go figure out who sent this damn video out." I mumble grabbing my bag walking towards the door. 

"Wait where are you going." they call after me at the same time. 

"Have no idea." I answer walking out the house closing the door behind me feeling eyes on me as I walk down the street into town. My phone starts to ring showing Kevin's number, "Hello."

"Betty you want to hang out today, I feel like we both need friends right now." He says into the phone sounding down. 

"Yeah, where can I meet you?" I ask stopping on top of a bridge over a river flowing underneath. 

"Sharif's station, My dad is kind of the Sharif." he says nervously. 

"Okay, be there soon." I mumble into the phone hearing the line end. I stand there at the bridge looking over the water, seeing the sun reflect on top of it hearing splashes hit against the sides of the shore. I enjoy the peace before heading for the police station. 

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