My Brother's Best Friend( Ben Bruce Fanfiction)

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Ello, my name is Lyric Worsnop. I am 18 years old and live with my older brother and his friends. I know what you're thinking, "Wait, you're 'The' Danny Worsnop's sister!?" Well clearly. Let me just say, living with 5 guys and being the only girl can be a god damn hand full, and on top of that, I am also the youngest. But thankfuly I have my bestfriend Ash. I have known her for ages and I absoulutly love her to death. I dont know where I would be without her in my life. Well let me tell you a little about myself. I tour with my brother everytime they go on tour because Danny is worried to leave me in England while he and the guys go off to the states. I have almost a full sleeve on my right arm. I am a vegan. I am 5'1, so basically the height of a ten year old. I have my spider bites in the right side of my lower lip. I have all black hair but my fringe and ends are dyed blue and red. I have never really had a close relationship with my family so when Danny turned 18, he moved out and took me along with him. I love music and bands more than the average person. I used to get bullied when I was in school, and have been depressed ever since. I'm not sure if Danny or the others know, but the only person that knew from the start was Ash. Now, let me tell you a little about her. She has been my best friend since we were 4. Ash is very beautiful. She has light brown hair and her fringe and ends are dyed red. She has her nose pierced and has yet to get a single tattoo. Ash has always been the prettier of us. She was depressed for almost a year but she over came it and has been selfharm free for almost 3 years now. I aspire to some day be like Ash. She also loves bands. Ash had liked Danny for quite sometime but I didnt mind it. Ash has taken quite a liking to Danny's friend James or the drummer for Asking Alexandria. I think he likes her too. Everytime Ash is over, James gets all awkward and stutters everytime he tries to talk. Even if he isn't talking to Ash. They would make the perfect couple I on the other hand, am head over heels for Ben. He was the first I met out of all of Danny's friends, and him and I clicked instantly. I'm almost positive he doesn't fancy me like I fancy him, but that's okay. If I can't love him as a lover, I'll love him as a friend.

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