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BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH AN AUTHORS NOTE FOR THIS STORY EVEN THOUGH ITS BEEN A YEAR LMAO. this is the only story im getting comments on so i would just like to clear things up a bit. i wrote this when i was fourteen maybe fifteen(currently seventeen) alright. secondly, if you dont like what is in this story then do not read it or delete it from your library. i do not appreciate negative comments which is why most have been deleted. im aware there are possibly alot of spelling errors. i do not proof read before publishing any chapters. i write them as is and just go with it. the only way i go back and change it is if it irritates the shit out of me which in most cases it doesnt. i know i said there would be a sequel to this story but that was when danny was still in the band.. so im trying to work something out that has denis in it so it seems more logical and up to date. but i just wanted to clear some things up. if you guys like this story you will most likely like my story about chris motionless, it is relatively similar to this one! but i do appreciate all the comments on this story & how some of you guys like some references ive made or sharing some of your own personal stories! it rly makes me happy & the fact that this story has been up for almost two years and people still enjoy it makes me extremely happy! thank you guys so much. if you been reading my stories since my user was @/staysick_dropdead you guys are the real MVP. ok but if i come up with a sequel for this story, i will post another A/N on this story before i publish it! love you guysszzz

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