Chapter 10: Dedication

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*Lyric's POV*

I was couldn't believe the words that had just came out of Ben's mouth. I was so shocked I couldn't breathe myself. "Lyric.. say something." Danny says into his mic. I look at him with wide eyes. "Ben, I.. Of course I fucking will! Are you insane?" I say into the mic smiling. The crowd starts cheering and screaming and Ben picks me up and hugs me. "Ben, why are you shaking?" I ask him. "I was scared that you would fucking say no!" He says pulling away from me. I look over at Danny and start to laugh. "I fucking told him there was no possible way you would turn him down!" Danny yells. Ben looks at the ground and starts to blush. "Well we need to finish up! So get your little ass to the front and watch!" Danny yells shoving me a little. "Hey asshat, I'm fucking going!" I say pushing him and running off stage to the front of the stage. I get down there and meet Ash. "THAT WAS THE MOST PERFECT THING EVER OH MY FUCK!" She yells shaking me by my shoulders. I burst into laughter, just then the beginning of "Not The American Average" starts to play. Ash and I start to sing along with Danny. "COME ON BABY KEEP IT DOWN. HONEY HUSH YOUR LIPS." We hear the crowd roar in unison. I look at Ben and he just smiles and keeps jumping around stage with Danny, Cameron and Sam. I look at James and he flashes Ash his award winning smile. She starts to blush insanely. I was interrupted when Ben starts to sing. Everyone had pulled out lighters and go quiet. God, his voice puts me in a calmer place. It's so soothing. "BITCH. YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH." I hear Danny scream into the mic and then I look a few rows behind me and see a huge most pit break out. Ash and I are pulled over the barricade by some body gaurds to the back. "THANK YOU!" Danny says walking off the stage to where Ash and I were. "What the fuck was that all about?" I ask Danny kind of annoyed. "I was that big fucking pit close to you and Ash and we didn't want you guys to get hurt." Danny said sympathetically. "Danny. I'm a big girl. I can handle myself." I say looking at him. "Yes, I know. But when a pit like that breaks out, you guys have to come back stage. Because trust me, I've been in one like that. I left with a broken arm and 3 broken fingers." Danny says sternly. "Okay big brother. Whatever you say." I say rolling my eyes. I see Ben talking to Cam and I run over to him and jump on his back. "You did perfect. But that's a regular for you." I say to Ben as he spins around. "Thanks love." Ben says smiling. I hope off his back and look to where Ash was. There she was with James on one knee infront of her. "Ash Ryan Taylor. I have had feelings for you since the first day I say you. Will  you do me the honor of making me the happiest wanker on earth and be my girlfriend?" James says smiling. "OF COURSE JAMES ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Ash yells jumping into his arms hugging him. "FUCK YES. THE JASH SHIP HAS FINALLY FUCKING SAILED" I say high-fiving Ben. "HALLELUJAH, LEN IS AT SEA!" Ash yelled fist-bumping James. "You guys are in-fucking-sane." Danny says laughing. "Well, I need food. Now." I say looking at everyone. They all nod and we begin to head to the bus to put all the instruments away. I look up at Ben and he smiles down at me. "Did you really think I would have rejected you?" I say chuckling a bit. "Honestly, I did. Because you know everything about me. I didn't think there was any possible way you could like me." He says looking down. "That's why I like you. Because I know everything about you." I say hugging him. He hugs me back tightly before Sam yells at us. "GET ON THE BUS BITCHES. WE ARE GOING TO STEAK N SHAKE!" Sam screams from the window. Ben puts his instrument in the compartment outside the bus and we run inside the bus before they leave us. 

*Ben's POV*

We are on our way to Steak N Shake, when I hear Cam speak. "So Ben, on a scale from "Okay" to "Scared I might die" were you to  ask Lyric to be yours?" Cam questions. "If you combine my fear of bugs and being scared shitless and multiply that by 80 you get half of how scared I actually was." I say making everyone laugh. "Ben. THERE IS NO GOD DAMN FUCKING WAY "NO" WOULD HAVE CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH WHEN IT COMES TO YOU ASKING ME TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND" Lyric yells shaking me. I laugh and then peck her on her cheek making her blush a little. "WE ARE HERE!" We hear Josh yell. We all scream and run off the bus. We walk inside and are seated in the far back. Lyric is on my right and Sam is on my left. I look at Lyric and grab her hand. She blushes and looks at me with a huge smile. "You know when you blush, your entire face turns red. Not just your cheeks." I say smirking. "Shut up!" Lyric says looking away. The waitress comes and gets our drink and food orders and walks away. "Why did you only get fries?" Sam asks looking at Lyric. "Vegetarian, remember? I've only been living that lifestyle for 5 years now." Lyric says laughing. "That's why you're so fucking tiny!" Danny yells spitting his beer everywhere. The waitress comes back with our food and we all begin to eat

*skip rest of the time at steak n shake; Lyric's POV*

We leave steak n shake and get back on the bus at 12:30 in the morning. Sam, James, Cam, and Ash all go to their bunks while Danny, Ben and I go to the lounge area and watch Ink Master. After 20 minutes, I feel myself starting to get tired. "I'm going to bed bye." I say and get up. Ben pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "Sleep well goregous." Ben says smiling. "I'll try." I say and walk away. I put on Danny's "D Snop" shirt and a pair of pajama pants and jump into my bunk and quickly fall asleep.

*3 hours later*

I was woken up by someone  climbing into my bunk. I knew it was Ben. He did this often. He would have  a bad dream and wake up having an anxiety attack and always come to my bed and fall asleep without saying a word. I feel him get in my bunk and wrap his arms around me. I soon hear faint snores coming from Ben signaling he was asleep. I roll over to face him and rest my head on his chest. This is by far, going to be the best A Fucking A tour I have been on in a long time.

*A/N: I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in over a week! I've been busy with school and I don't have a laptop at my dad's so I couldn't update when I was there! But here's is a somewhat long update for you guys! 200+ reads! That's amazing! Thank you my beautiful creatures of wattpad! I love you so fucking much! I will update within the next few days, I promise!

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