Become A Ghost, Chapter Eighteen

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Rukia did bring Orihime breakfast in bed the next morning, and there were so many roses on the tray that Orihime stuck some in her hair, stuck some in Rukia's hair, poked the stem of one particularly large pink rose down her cleavage, and had plenty left to toss into the air so they showered down around the girls in chaotic color.

"I have a lot of thank-you cards to write, don't I?" she mumbled around a mouthful of rice. "Or should I bake cookies for everyone who was so nice to donate? Oooh, I thought up this recipe for double fudge garlic brownies, with artichoke frosting, the other day--"

"No," Rukia said in a resolute tone, trying to keep the horror out of her voice.  Anyone eating such a monstrosity would be shitting in a bag for a week afterward. "Absolutely not."

"Oh, but--"

"Everyone was very happy to help you, and would not want you to make a big fuss out of it." Rukia gave what she hoped was a convincing smile. "If you feel you must thank them, just say a few words of appreciation the next time you see them."

Orihime nodded. "If you're sure..."

Rukia was quite sure. The likely reactions of anyone foolish enough to eat such briquets of evil would hurt Orihime's feelings. It was best to avoid the situation altogether.

"Say, Rukia-chan," Orihime began timidly, her finger tracing the edge of the now-empty plate. "I really don't want to upset you, you know that, but I think I have to move into my quarters at the Fourth Division once I start there next week." She lifted her eyes to find Rukia watching her, looking sad but unsurprised. "You know why, don't you?"

Rukia sighed. "Yes," she said. "At least I think so. It's because of Nii-sama, isn't it?"

A blush scalded up Orihime's neck to suffuse her face. "Yes," she whispered. It was the first time she'd admitted it to anyone else. "I don't know how he feels about me--" here, Rukia snorted in a most unladylike manner "--but I know that I, um, care about him. I think it will be easier for both of us if we stop it here before it's too late."

"You sickened because you were trying to stay away, and pushed yourself too hard, yes?" At Orihime's miserable nod, she continued, "While you were unconscious, Nii-sama... you didn't see his face, Orihime-chan. I think it's already too late."

"But it's not, Rukia-chan!" Orihime protested, feeling a bit desperate. "So far, neither of us has done anything the elders would have a problem with. That's why I have to go now. Before something does happen, something the elders would learn about. I don't know how much more time I have before... before he does or says something about it. I think it might be soon. Then I would have to reject him." Tears gathered in her eyes. "I don't want to hurt him like that, Rukia-chan. It'll hurt less if it's stopped before it comes to that point, won't it?"

"Is there no way around this?" Rukia said bleakly. "I can't believe that there's no solution... no way you can be together without his deposition as clan leader."

"If you can think of one, let me know! I'm all ears!" Orihime tried to make it a joke but her sniffling and dabbing at her eyes with her sleeve rather ruined the effect.

Rukia rose from kneeling beside the futon slowly, as if she were very old and had the weight of the world on her shoulders. "Well, let me help you pack before I go off to work. A whole week's visit, you say? That should be fun. " She offered a watery smile that was in no way convincing. They packed in near-silence. Orihime dressed, and Rukia accompanied her to the senkaimon. With a hug, they separated, Orihime stepped through the dimensional shouji screen, and was gone.

Rukia was subdued at work, aware that Ukitake was watching her in puzzlement. When she arrived home, it was to find her brother and Renji had left work early and were seated around the low table in the customary evening chamber, heads bent over a shiny circular object.

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