Obviously, the world of all peculiars, wights and hollowghasts, its wars and universes, plots and twists, heroes and villains, related to Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children Series, is owned by the one and only Ransom Riggs. I am a fan, and this is my story. It especially relates to the wights but I used Mr Riggs's world and creation for this.
I own the characters, most of them, maybe except the ymbrynes, but the protagonist, and supporting characters, and the vitches are in my ownership.
Okay, let me explain. Vitches are basically the creators of the peculiars. But this is my creation. And I've always wondered why do the peculiars exist, and just entering certain children of all generations is not enough. Who originated this? And why?
This takes place after the wights' war with Jake Portman and the peculiars with Miss Peregrine, (and their ages cannot keep up with them anymore) and the loop will be in a fictional town called Nupperhood, in Sydney, Australia during the year 1950. (By the way, if how they act or talk or dress, doesn't match the year 1950, it is because they've travelled many years and into different eras of new fashion and manners, but still, let me know!)
Readers, you, of course, can check my grammatical errors or maybe how the plot is confusing, just let me know if something is wrong, as I am still improving with my writing.
I will be posting new chapters every Wednesday each week but I will be posting the prologue and a short chapter for you after this author's note!
That's it, syndrigasts and coerlfolcs, enjoy reading!!!
Ps. the short chapter below Part One will be narrated by me (third person), but the rest of the story will be narrated by the protagonist and some of the supporting characters.

Legends of the Anomalous || A Peculiar Children Fan Fiction Story
FanfictionThe Creators of the Peculiardom, Untold Tales of the Peculiars, The Forgotten Purpose, A New War. New Chapter Every Wednesday!!