Everybody is looking for a loop. A place to stay, and to be peculiar all their lives. Most of everything are destroyed by wights and hollowghasts. But everyone is saved because of our dear peculiar friend, Jacob Portman, Miss Peregrine, and her peculiars. We thank them very much, but we can't transfer into the grimy town, Devil's Acre and make it our new home.
Miss Kiara Cockatiel (our ymbryne) chose Nupperhood, Sydney for a change. We are going to sail into a new remote place where we know the year 1950 is all safe. One year ago, wights are killing our folk. It's really the time for the major adjustment for our lives. And come to think of it, our ymbryne came from that very country.
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"Rian!!!!" a voice called. Tobias ran after me and tackled me on the ground. "Hello? Earth to Rian?" I just stared. I cackled and pushed him away.
I stood up. "So? How do you like the new home?" I asked.
"It's alright. And, Wayne's still barfing from the ship ride! I think it was the first coolest thing we ever got to do this year!"
"Yeah. Our home is so big don't you think?"
"Oh yes. I'll have my own room at last! I've been dreaming of not sleeping under one noisy snorer and an annoying night owl!"
"Again, I'm hungry. And I ask for food. I'm not annoying?" then, he gave me the wicked look. "Okay, I'm a bit irritating." I admitted.
Tobias turned around. "My dear ol' friend! Happy 99thbirthday!" he greeted to Wayne. "Don't barf anymore. Makes me sick" he whispered.
Wayne looks exhausted and feeble. "Thanks... wait- I need a bucket again!" and ran past Mere, looking very strict. He vomited in a well.
"What's the complication of that boy's stomach?!" Miss Mere asked. Tobias hid behind me. Her voice is enormous and very loud that she made all the birds flew away. Except for the birds that are inside of her like-her-voice enormous hair.
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She's one of our over-protective guardians, besides from Miss Cockatiel, and she is said to be a former-ymbryne, as most of council believe. She never confirmed, and we still haven't discovered.
"Just sea illness Miss Mere. Nothing to worry about." I proclaimed.
"Mister Maximillan! Come to the nearest room and I'll nurse you... poor thing! Come along!" Wayne stood up and tripped, stood up and ran to the house.
"Poor Wayne." A voice called.
"Miss Cockatiel!" me and Tobias cried. "You returned! Where have you been?"
"It took me two tiring hours to build a loop. And now I must rest." She said. "Uh- Mr. Rudolphus?"
"Yes miss?" I asked.
"Watch out for the newcomers. They'll be arriving shortly. There are exactly 6 peculiars coming for safety. Make them feel at home. -and Mr. Tavis" and she pointed to Tobias, "Your manners and hospitality. Be well you two." And she entered the house, or must I say, mansion?