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STEVE WANTED NOTHING MORE than to finish this mission, because when he gets back to DC, Diana is there waiting for him.

"Seven secure." Nat said suddenly, breaking Steve out of his thoughts.

 "Did you do anything fun Saturday night?" She then asked, turning to look at him.

"Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so... No, not really." Steve joked bitterly, putting in his ear piece.

"You know, if you asked Diana to marry you, she'd definitely say yes." Natasha smirked at Steve. She had already emailed him dozens of jewellers in his area, and even offered to pay for Steve. She wanted- no, needed it to happen.

"That's why I don't ask." Steve replied, making Nat scoff. She knew he wanted to marry her, it's only about god damn time.

"Too shy or too scared?" She teased back, watching as he made his way towards the back of the jet without his parachute.

"Too busy!" He exclaimed over the noise, jumping out the plane.

"Was he wearing a parachute?"

Rumlow chuckled. "No. No, he wasn't." 

Nat smirked at her friend, trying to hold back a laugh at the fact that he jumped out of a plane without a parachute just to avoid her questioning. The former assassin tightened the straps on her parachute before lining up with the others and jumping out. They came down just in time as a man held Captain America at gun point. Rumlow lined up a shot, and fired at the man, knocking him down before he could shoot Cap.

"Thanks." Cap said turning around with a slight smile.

"Yeah. You seemed pretty helpless without me." He smirked unbuckling his chute. 

Natasha then landed right beside Steve. She tried to hold back a laugh. Steve wasn't going to get out of this one.

"Is she a diamond girl? Or more of a sapphire one?"

"Secure the engine room, then find me an engagement ring." Steve huffed slightly annoyed by Nat's constant pestering. 

"I'm multi-tasking!" She replied, breaking off and jumping over the railing over to the side. Natasha went off to do her side mission for Fury. Of course this detail wasn't known to Steve, but she was sure he wouldn't find out.

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