Chapter 2

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Rachel enters her mom's room and finds her in deep sleep. She sits beside her mom, a tear escapes her eyes, she was the only one left behind.

Her thoughts were broken with the doctors' arrival. He took her aside and explained the details of the operation. They decided to schedule it for the following day since there was no point in delaying it further.

Rachel held her mom's hand and prayed for her recovery.

Her mom woke up with her touch. "Rachel, what happened dear! don't worry. Nothing will happen to me.I'll live until your marriage. Leave everything to God, He knows what's best. Life never goes as per our plan, at times we have to follow his decisions."

"Mama, you will live long. God will never disappoint me."

"Hope so."

"Mama, the surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. Be strong, everything will go fine. If we delay further, you may end up being in bed. Earlier the better. Hope you are ok with it."

"Yes dear, did you inform Daisy aunty about my condition."

"I'll call her, right now. After you, she's the only one whom I can rely on."

Daisy and Lucy were childhood buddies, born and brought up in Goa. They both shared a bond much deeper that no amount of uncertainties could alter it.

Their secrets were hidden deep within their hearts. Not a soul could sense what was brewing between them, such was their friendship.

Daisy and her husband Derick, had no kids of their own, they loved Rachel as their own. In fact, they were Rachel's godparents. In spite of being settled in Panjim, they made frequent visits to Mumbai to meet Lucy and Rachel. They were like a house on fire whenever they met.

"Hello, Aunty. How are you doing?"

"Fine, darling. You tell me. Where is Lucy? Doesn't attend my call, how annoying. Tell her I'm not going to call her henceforth, neither will I make her favorite cookies."

"Oh Aunty! Don't get angry. Mom's in the hospital...."

"What happened? when? Tell me...tell me."

"She had a fall two days back and fractured her hip. She'll be undergoing a hip replacement surgery tomorrow at 10am."

"OMG, Lucy! God bless her. You are ok, darling! I'll be there tomorrow morning. Don't worry.Give my regards to Lucy. "

"O.K. Aunty. I'll message you the details of the hospital. See you soon."

Both disconnected the call. Rachel felt peace within, for Daisy Aunty would be joining her soon.

Lucy was happy to hear about Daisy. Her aches had vanished on hearing about her friend's arrival.

After spending some time with her mom and feeding her dinner, they both retired to bed.

Rachel's father James was a god-fearing person, who worked for an I.T firm. He loved his daughter very much and gave her all the freedom to make life choices. She would share her dreams and fantasies to her dad. They would talk about boyfriends and anything under the sun. Her friends envied her for this.

James never wanted to see Rachel struggling in life. But he wanted Rachel to stand on her own and understand responsibilities. He invested nearly 25lacs over the years in her name. This secret was known only by her mother, but James warned her of disclosing it to Rachel. He put a condition to this: the amount would be given to her at the time of her marriage or after Lucy's death, whichever occurred earlier.

The loss of her father was the biggest blow in Rachel's life. He left suddenly without a word to anyone. Rachel never shared the same bond with her mother. She couldn't bridge that gap even after her father was gone.

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