Chapter 3

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The next morning, before Lucy was wheeled into the operation theatre, she met Daisy.

Daisy was just on time, she was happy to meet Lucy. Daisy's soothing words boosted Lucy's will power, to face the worst, what may be.

Rachel hugged her mom, assuring that everything would be fine. Rachel burst out into tears after she disappeared behind closed doors.

"Daisy Aunty, I can't face anything more .....ever since dad left she's the only one

left in my life," cried Rachel, hugging her between sobs.

Daisy assured her by saying, "Rachel don't be silly, nothing has happened to her. It's just a surgery, she'll be fine. Don't lose hope. Derick and me, we are your family and will always care for you and Lucy. You are my daughter too. I'm too tired, let's go and have a cup of coffee."

"Ok, Aunty. You must be too tired."


The operation went successfully. Lucy was kept under observation for few hrs.

Both Rachel and Daisy, sat in Lucy's room recollecting old memories. They were much at ease going back to old days. But the loss of James had bought a void in everyone's lives.

Lucy's was back to her room by late evening in a semi-conscious state.

They both stayed back in the hospital by Lucy's side, in case she looked out for them.

Next morning, they were happy to see Lucy passing that faint smile. At least she seemed to be at ease, in spite of the numerous tubes running across her.

"Lucy! I'm so happy to see you back. Finally, the surgery was a success, within a few months you'll be walking like never before," spoke Daisy.

Lucy could barely speak because of the weakness, but conveyed a lot by her facial expression.

Rachel bend down to her mom and kissed on her forehead. Her mom felt happy by her gesture.

The doctor walked in changing the whole atmosphere.

"Mrs. Lucy, how are you doing? By noon you will be out of sedation completely, so don't worry!" advised the doctor.

Rachel spoke on behalf of her mom, "she's fine doctor. How long will she have to stay in the hospital.?"

"I'll let you know tomorrow, if everything goes fine then in a week's time she can leave."

The doctor checks Lucy and advises the nurse-on-duty on the future course of treatment.

Rachel excused herself to attend to an unknown caller.

"Hello ! Who's this?"

"Am I speaking to Rachel? "

"yes, I'm sorry. Didn't recognize you!"

" I'm calling from Agarwal Real Estate Pvt. Ltd. This is regarding a job opening for a Secretarial post. We came across your C.V through You are requested to come for an interview on 23rd February at 3:00.Is it ok?"

"No....yes, I'll be there. Please forward the details."

"It will be mailed to you on your official mail id. Please, revert back immediately. Thank you."


"Lucy you remember your boyfriend Peter,I met him the other day in church.He lost his wife many years back, all alone poor chap.His son stays abroad with his family. He still enquires about you, still has a soft corner for you. Do you still love him! ha..ha" laughed out Daisy.

Lucy couldn't help blushing, but uttered in a feeble voice "shut up."

"I baked your favorite cookies, bought loads of them. By next week you can sit munching on them. But when you are fit and fine, you'll make for me my favorite grape vine. You know how much I love them, I never can make it that perfect."

Lucy raised her hand showing her approval.


Rachel was confused as to how would she manage everything in such a short duration incase this job clicked.

Daisy seen her standing outside the room, looking tensed. She confronted Rachel, who eased her burden by sharing the conversation she just had with the HR.

"Rachel, opportunities come knocking at the door anytime. There's a solution for everything. Your mom will be very happy if you bag this job. You never know whether you 'll get a better one next time. Just go with the flow. For your mom, we can arrange a home nurse till she's back on her feet."

"Thanks Aunty, for your guidance. That's better. Pray that everything goes well, it would be a great break for me."

She informed her mom about this piece of news and her mom's face brightened up.

She had just a day left for the interview. Too many things to be sorted out before her big day.

Daisy advised her to go home for a day. She promised to be by Lucy's side till then.


Rachel headed straight to the church and prayed her heart out. She offered roses and prayed at her father's grave, to seek his blessings. She talked to him for few moments, about her ordeal and how much she missed him.

She asked the priest to hold a special prayer for her mom's speedy recovery. He agreed to do so and blessed her.

On her way back home, she shared the news about her interview to a special friend. He was happy to notice how responsible she was becoming with each passing day.

Their meeting point was far away from prying eyes.

He pecked her cheeks before parting away.

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