chapter 15

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Rachel was all lost throughout her journey, clueless about her destination. There were only two options left with her: either pick-up where you left or live like a recluse. She didn't want to choose the latter, instead set life back on track. She wanted to do something different.

It struck her of having seen a 'Recreational centre' during one of her official trips, on the outskirts of Navi Mumbai, on the way to Pune.

The centre had a divine touch with beautiful landscape and topography. She immediately googled the location and contacted the centre. Rachel was lucky enough to know that there was space for her at the centre.

She immediately alerted the driver to head towards the centre.

The minute she stepped down, one glance at the place gave her a feeling of comfort. "This is it,"she muttered. She just wanted to leave the world behind, away from the buzzing crowd and hectic schedule that she followed.

Rachel was greeted by an elderly lady, Mrs. Shobha at the desk.

"Hi, how can I help you?" greeted Shobha with a pleasant smile.

"Well, I would like to spend a few days, approximately 10 to 15 days out here.Need to refresh myself."

Mrs. Shobha was astonished to hear that, from a pretty looking young girl, to take up such a decision. Though she seemed cool, holding a guitar, but there's much more to it.

She handed over a form to Rachel, to be filled-in.

"Can I ask you something? Why do you need to spend your days here?"

"Aunty, I lost my parents in a short span of time, which left me broken. I'm all lost in life, except for an Aunt and Uncle to hold back on there's no one else. I need to set my life in order and get a clear idea of my future goals. In fact, I need to calm the pain within me or else I'll turn into a recluse. This will lead me to disaster and I don't want that to happen," she spoke with a heavy heart, in between sobs.

"Relax dear, I can understand. Here, you'll come across people from various age groups, reeling under all sorts of mental and physical pain. You'll become a stronger and better person, when you walk out from here. We'll plan your schedule accordingly, from tomorrow," Shobha assured Rachel.

"Hmm, I'm looking forward to it."

Shobha flipped the pages filled by Rachel and suggested, "You need to fill in the 'Reference' section."

"Really, is it required?," Rachel reconfirmed not wanting to reveal details, since no one was aware of her whereabouts.

"yes, don't worry. We'll contact them in case of emergency only."

Rachel gave a puzzled look and filled in Aunt Daisy's details.

After completing all the formalities, she was taken to her room. She was asked to share the room with a lady, in her mid-thirties.

" Hello, I'm Rachel."

"Me Seetha.From Chennai. You where?," replied her roommate, in broken English and with a South Indian accent.

"I'm from Mumbai. Nice meeting you."


Late evening, Rachel called up Aunt Daisy, who was shocked to know about her stay.

"I'm feeling like a culprit in Lucy's eye, for leaving you all alone there. You should have come here. But Mr. Mohit gave a different version....your boss rang up saying, you had been to office today. So, he was lying, trying to trace you out!."

"Is it? I didn't inform anyone about my stay here. I forwarded my resignation through Mary, sir must have taken the no. from her. Aunty you don't worry, by the time I'm back I'll be stronger from inside, you'll see a different me. Don't blame yourself for my state.Take care. I'll catch you up later."


Daisy immediately rings up Mary.

"Hello Mary, Daisy here. Where are you? Why didn't you inform me about Rachel? I told you before leaving, to keep me informed. Now, I'm coming to know about her condition."

Mary was totally confused and blurted, "Rachel ordered me, not to reveal out anything to you. She knew, you would get worried about it. I...I'm at Mohit Sir's place. He offered me a job, to look after his kids.I..,".

Before, Mary could complete her conversation, Daisy quizzed, "Mohit's did that happen?"

Mary revealed everything to Daisy, but what Mary confessed in the end shook Daisy.

"Aunty from Sir's expression and his concern for Rachel, proves that he loves her."

"What! Have you gone off your head."

"Really Aunty, I could see that in his eyes. He even muttered 'How could she do that to me?' when I told him that Rachel left to an unknown place. A few hrs back, he was enquiring whether Rachel rang me up and looked tensed. Aunty did Rachel call you up?."

Daisy couldn't believe her ears. She was happy, as well as sad. He was a divorced man with two kids. She brushed off the thought, with the hope that God will handle everything.

"I can't believe this. Rachel must be unaware about all this else, she would have shared this news to me. I know where she is, let her be at peace with herself. Just inform Mohit she's fine, nothing to worry."

Daisy wanted to test Mohit this time, his love towards Rachel. Rachel deserved all the happiness in life.

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