Chapter 5

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Lucy was happy to be back home, after a long stay at the hospital. The walker was her major support system, though she wasn't accustomed to it. Daisy and Rachel, helped her out if necessary, for they wanted Lucy to get her grip at it.

Rachel tried her hands at cooking, which she avoided previously, under the guidance of Daisy. She was beginning to show interest in blending the spices for every dish. Though there were initial ups n downs, but Rachel was slowly getting the hang of it. Daisy was keen to teach her a lot more seeing her cookery skills. Lucy smiled and commented every time she was offered a new dish prepared by her lovely daughter. She was beaming with joy, seeing Rachel taking charge of the entire house at such a short span of time.

Within a week, she received a call from Mr. Mohit's office. She jumped with joy and hugged the two ladies of her life.

Lucy and Daisy: What is it dear?

Rachel: I cracked the interview! I have to meet them tomorrow, to finalize the offer and do the necessary formalities. I can't believe! God is too kind to me!

Lucy: I'm so happy for you my child. God listened to my prayers. Don't negotiate much on the salary? You will gain experience, that's more important. After few years, you can always think of better options.

Daisy hugging her "Congrats! darling. They must have seen something in you, everything will go fine.God has a plan for everyone. You may have to do some shopping too."

"Thanks Aunty, shopping? Let's see, I have a few formals as of now. Once I receive my first salary, I'll buy few more outfits."

Lucy instructed, "I have money in the account, you can go and withdraw. Don't compromise on all this now. Now, you will be the secretary to the M.D, you need to dress up to your best."

"Mom, are you sure? I don't know much about our financial situation, but hope not to burden you further."

Daisy intervenes, "Rachel! once you start earning, you'll add up to the income. You enjoy and live your life, don't bother. Whatever we have, belongs to you too, so no worries."

"you too join her for shopping," suggested Lucy to Daisy.

"I would have loved to join her, but can't leave you alone," replied Daisy.

"Both of you, don't worry, I'll do the shopping all by myself. Aunty, what happened about that home nurse? I don't know how I'm going to manage with everything."

"She'll join in a couple of days. The nurse will take care of Lucy. The maid will do their job. You just need to concentrate on the cooking. Take the help of the local vendors to deliver the other essentials. I'll be there for a couple of weeks before moving to Goa."

"That's a good idea. Everything looks rosy from outside, but really a task," utters Rachel.

"You forget all this, go get your guitar. Today is such a wonderful day, let us sing our favourite no. Raindrop on roses and whiskers on kittens......"

The three sang in chorus to their favourite song. They giggled and shared jokes whole night long.

Next day, Rachel met the H.R of the company to finalize her package and to complete all the formalities.

She was happy to get the pay package she desired, without any cuts. Rachel was instructed to join within 2days time. The only hitch in this job was travelling to long distances when demanded. This would result in being away from home for a couple of days.

Her only relief was Daisy aunty, her presence made things lighter for her. But that too wouldn't last long, once she left for Goa.

Rachel made a call to her boyfriend, after completing the formalities, asking him to meet her at CCD. He agreed to do so.

Rachel was sipping tea, thinking about her future course of action, when Peter walked in.

"Hi Rachel, nice to see you. Finally, you got a job. Happy for you," greeted Peter with a peck and handshake.

"Thanks Peter, God has been kind to me. Can't ask for more."

Peter ordered a cappuccino for himself and some cookies for both.

"So, what have you thought about us?" asked Peter.

With lots of hesitation Rachel replied, "Peter, I'm sorry we can't go ahead with this relationship. I..."

"what do you mean, we have known each other since school days. We dated for nearly a year, and now this is what I get to hear. How ridiculous!" he yelled.

"First, I can't leave my mom at this point, she needs me more. Second, I need to concentrate on my job for a year before thinking of marriage. If you can wait, well enough."

" I just can't believe. Let me tell you, I can't wait this long. What will you do later with your mom, once you get married? Take her along"

"No, I'll get my future husband to my place, whoever wants to marry me should agree to stay at my place."

"Crazy girl! You'll stay a spinster all your life. There is still time to change your decision."

"Sorry, Peter. I'm firm on this. If dad was around, I would have thought otherwise. I have responsibilities on my shoulder. It was tough for me to take a call on this. Please understand me, if you can convince your parents then it would be better."

"I'm sorry, I can't, you don't value this relation. Do what you want, I'm going. I have a life ahead," Peter bangs his fist on the table and rushes out.

Rachel looked at him with tearful eyes, walking away, until he disappeared. She expected this, but not this soon. He never bothered to understand how grave her situation was. She was filled with guilt and regret: guilt for breaking his heart and regret for having loved him.


Peter and Rachel were school friends. He was the only son of his parents, who pampered him to the core. They lived few buildings apart. Their friendship blossomed into love in the last 10months. Peter used to attend Rachel's performances whenever time permitted.

One evening after her performance, Peter took her to bandstand and proposed to her with a chocolate bouquet. Rachel fell head over heels in love. They dated and had their bit of cosy time, without the slightest hint to anyone around.

Rachel wanted to confess to her dad about Peter, but she never mustered the courage to do so. It remained just a dream.

💖Love is not Love that alters when alteration finds.💖

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