Chapter Two

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Kurogiri looked at the clock and sighed, if the boys didn't get up soon they would be late for school. Walking out from behind the bar and down the hall to the bedrooms, Kurogiri couldn't help but wonder when his life had turned so domestic. He thought villain life would have been more killing and less raising children. But he couldn't complain, he cared for those boys like their second father. 

The hall wasn't too big, all it had was two doors across from each other and one door at the very end that served as Kurogiri's room. Each of them had a nameplate on them, Izuku's was All Might themed and on more than one occasion Kurogiri had to stop Tomura from disintegrating it.  Kurogiri raised his hand to knock when the door slammed open and Izuku ran headfirst into Kurogiri's gut. Air was knocked out of Kurogiri's lungs and he doubled over slightly clutching his stomach. 

"O-Oh my god! Kurogiri I'm so so so so sorry! I was running late and I thought you were making breakfast so I thought I better get there as soo-" Midoriya went on and on 

Kurogiri raised his hand to stop Izuku from mumbling "It's quite all right Izuku, it was an accident." 

"Is Tomura up yet?" Izuku questioned, "I have a gift for him."

As if on cue, Tomura's door opened to reveal the sleep-deprived teen. So sleep deprived that he had forgotten not to put all five fingers on the door nob. 

Izuku sighed "Tomu that's your fifth door nob this month." his eyes lit up "But I have a gift for you that should help!" With that, he ran back into his room. 

Not even a moment later Izuku ran out with a small gift bag in his hand, pink and yellow tissue paper stuck out of the top. Tomura grabbed the bag with all of his fingers besides the pinkie but didn't hesitate to disintegrate the tissue paper. Carefully Tomura pulled out a small black velvet ring box. 

"A ring?" Shigaraki raised an eyebrow

"Open it up!" Izuku whined 

Tomura did as told and opened up the box, Kurogiri watched on in matched curiosity. With his left hand, Shigaraki pulled out two fabric fingers from gloves that match the size of his pinkie. On the base of the finger was an adjustable band to make sure they don't fall off. 

"Izu, these look like black condoms for micro dicks." 

"Tomura!" Kurogiri scolded while stifling a laugh 

"It's to stop your quirk so your pinkie doesn't get cramped and you don't accidentally disintegrate anything else." he grabbed Tomura's hand "Here you put them on like this." 

Tomura cleared his throat "Thanks Izu." 

"Both of you, breakfast is waiting. Hurry so you're not late." Kurogiri shoved them both in the direction of the kitchen 

"Ah, I completely forgot!" Izuku panicked 

Grabbing two pieces of bacon off one of the plates, Izuku ran out the bar doors and towards his middle school. 


All for One sat in deafening silence, his mind had drowned out the sounds of the machines that kept him alive. Ever since his fight with All Might he had run the Leauge of Villains from the shadows. Izuku didn't know it was All Might who did this, for all Izuku knew it was just a bad car crash. But for once All for One was nervous, today was finally the day he tells his son about the real family business.  Today was also the day Izuku would get his quirk. 


The school day was almost over if Izuku could make it through this last class he'd be able to go home. It had been a relatively good day, he hadn't angered Kacchan too much and was mostly left to himself. Yeah, a good day. 

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