Chapter 5

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Aizawa didn't care much for Nedzu, the man was much too weird for his tastes. Though to Nedzu's credit, Aizawa didn't seem to care for much of anything. But right now Aizawa was willing to tolerate the rat for one sole reason. 

Izuku Midoriya.

The green haired boy smiled in his middle school picture and from what the roster suggests his grades were average. Something about the boy didn't settle well with Aizawa, and he wanted to know why. Maybe it was because he was plain, too plain. You hardly see plain when it comes to UA. It just seemed weird and if Aizawa had learned one thing in his years as a hero, you trust your instincts. So here he was, sitting in Nedzu's office with tea between them.  

"What was it you would like to discuss Aizawa?" The rat questioned 

"There's a boy, I want him in my class." 

"Oh? Nedzu seemed interested "Who is this boy?" 

"Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa just wanted to get this over with

"Hmm? I'm sure I can get him into your class." Nedzu smirked 

Aizawa stood from the couch and headed towards the door, with his hand on the door handle and looked back at Nedzu.

"Thank you." 

With that, Aizawa headed to his own classroom to get his teaching plans in order. 


In hindsight taking your brother who has little to no combat experience to fight heroes with you probably wasn't the best idea Shigaraki ever had. But the kid had just gotten his villain costume and wanted to try it out, plus neither Kurogiri nor Tomura couldn't seem to say no to those puppy dogs eyes. Only Sensei had that power, maybe it was a quirk of his. But Sensei wasn't there to say no. 

Izuku looked much different than in his normal day to day look. His green unruly hair was slicked back, he wore a black mask over his mouth and nose, on his eyes were night vision goggles. A long black coat covered in a pattern that looked like eyes went down to his knees, underneath he wore a plain black long-sleeved shirt. His pants and boots were black as well but on the tip of his shoes were two eyes painted on. In short, Izuku looked like a completely different person. 

To their credit, no one could have guessed Eraserhead and Present Mic would show up. For one, Eraserhead doesn't patrol here and two Present Mic works during the day. They looked more like they were on a stroll than patroling though...strange. 

"Thanks for helping me patrol this area Hizashi." It was Eraserheads voice 

"It's no problem, I just wish Birdcage would have told you earlier." 

"It's fine, let's just get this over with." 


Izuku was getting nervous, two strong pro-heroes are here getting closer with each step. He hid in the shadows of the alleyway they were tucked in. As Eraserhead moved so did Izuku and Tomura, it was going good. It was. Izuku took a step and crunch, a soda can was crushed under his foot. 

Eraserhead turned towards the noise, eyes narrowed. Quickly he put on the goggle around his neck and started to climb up a building. 

"Izu lets run back to the portal." Shigaraki rushed 

Izuku only nodded and grabbed Tomura's wrist and started running. They had barely gotten out of the alleyway before Izuku was tacked to the ground. 

"BROTHER!" Izuku yelled whilst struggling against Eraserhead 

 In the struggle, Izuku's lower mask came off. Aizawa made the mistake of trying to cover Izuku's mouth, like a child Izuku liked Eraserheads hand making him recoil in disgust. In that brief second, Izuku was able to escape from Eraserheads grasp. Tomura had his phone in hand calling Kurogiri, two portals opened beneath the two boys. They were home before Eraserhead could act. 


 Aizawa glared at the ground where the boy had disappeared. Behind him, Present Mic came running. 

"I heard a scream, are you okay?" 

Aizawa sighed "Yeah, I'm fine. But two villains escaped." 

"Hey, what's in you're hand?" Mic inquired 

What? What was he talking about? Aizawa looked at his hands, he had a few strands of green hair. A smile graced his lips, perfect. Without his mask, Aizawa was able to tell he had freckles on his cheeks and now he has a hair sample. Things might not be so bad after all. 


Izuku hit the floor hard, the portal had spit him out from the wall. Tomura followed soon after landing on Izuku, today was just not his day. 

"Well, I had come to congratulate you on getting into UA but instead you give me a scare." 

Izuku looked up from the floor, his dad stood over him. 

"Hi, dad. Wait, what do you mean congratulate?" 

"Your letter came in today Izuku, I called your dad about it," Kurogiri spoke from the bar, glass in hand as always. 

Izuku took a moment to process what was said. When it finally clicked he jumped off the floor sending Tomura to the floor. 

"I GOT IN!" Izuku jumped and hugged his dad 

"Yes, you did good Izuku. Just one catch..." 

Shigaraki groaned from the floor "What catch?" 

"Izuku, you got into the hero course." 

The bar became so silent you could hear a pin drop. Izuku in his shock mumbled out what everyone was thinking.  


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