Chapter 6

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I have never in my life seen that the clock is moving so slowly. I couldn't wait for it to be 8 o'clock already. I was so exited to see Theo again and I got really curious about that place he is going to take me.

It's 7.45 pm but I already standing in front of my house, checking my phone every two seconds.

He arrives exactly at 8 o'clock. My heart beating instantly when I see his car. i get into his car and look at him with a smile on my face.

"You look happy!" he talls me, also smiling wich makes me even happier.

He is actually looking really good with his oversized hoodie and jeans. His hair is hair is messy and makes me wanna go through his hair with my fingers.

"So are you ready?" he asks me, still smiling. I nodd and smile back. He starts  driving and turns on the radio.

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